Wednesday 3 November 2010

DEBKAfile Special Report November 3, 2010, 8:10 PM (GMT+02:00)
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague ruffles feathers in Jerusalem

The sharp differences between Israel and Britain came to the fore Wednesday, Nov. 3, during William Hague's first visit to Israel as Foreign Secretary. He was informed that Israel had halted the strategic dialogue with the UK in protest against the failure of successive British governments to repeal a law allowing its leaders to be arrested for war crimes on arrival in Britain. The visitor struck back by meeting and praising three groups leading the Palestinian anti-Israel protest movement.

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Getting Ready for War - Openly
Iran is encircled by US, French, Saudi and Egyptian army, navy and air units.
Iran Is Short of Fighting Men for Defense
It will therefore rely on proxies to take the war to the enemy.
Stuxnet Is Still Lurking
Foreign experts tell Iran it was planted by "disabling thumb drives."

Iran, Al Qaeda team up to open new anti-US fronts
DEBKAfile DEBKA-Net-Weekly
November 2, 2010, 11:24 AM (GMT+02:00)
Designated to blow up a cargo flight

Tehran's proactive interference in Afghanistan - kept quiet by Washington in the hope of a new round of nuclear talks bearing fruit - is offset by a quiet US buildup for military action against Iran. The next issue ofDEBKA-Net-Weekly out Friday reveals how the al Qaeda air package plot fit into the selective partnership between Tehran and al Qaeda and homes in on the areas where their schemes dovetail.
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Mid East talks resume January. Netanyahu relents on building freeze
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
November 2, 2010, 2:17 PM (GMT+02:00)
His concession enables resumption of talks

Direct Israeli-Palestinian talks, interrupted in September after less than a week, will resume in January, 2011 following a quiet deal between the US, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia,DEBKAfile's sources disclose. Obama administration officials are upbeat after four new developments unsnarled the gridlock. Most significantly, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to a second, partial settlement building freeze and Mahmoud Abbas to drop a bid for UN recognition of unilateral statehood.

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Al Qaeda's biggest attack on a state capital leaves 120 dead in Baghdad
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 2, 2010, 9:14 PM (GMT+02:00)
Baghdad under al Qaeda assault

The Iraqi capital was rocked late Tuesday, Nov. 2 by the most ferocious assault al Qaeda has ever carried out on Baghdad. By evening, it had spread to Baghdad's environs after the death toll had climbed past 120 with more than 300 injured from 19 bomb car explosions in a dozen Shiite suburbs. Scores of roadside and sticky bombs were activated against cars at main intersections and smashing into army, police and emergency teams rushing to the scenes of disaster.

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