Wednesday 3 November 2010

Children Without MMR Jabs Should be Banned From School, Claims Public Health Official

'Children who haven't had the MMR jab should be banned from schools, according to a leading doctor.

Dr Sohail Bhatti, a director of one of the largest health trusts in Britain, said the draconian measure was the only way to ensure higher uptake of the vaccine. Since the MMR scare more than 12 years ago the number of children receiving the combined jab for measles, mumps and rubella has fallen by a third in some parts of the country.'

Read more: Children Without MMR Jabs Should be Banned From School, Claims Public Health Official

Call to Scrap Jury Trials for Lesser Offences

'Scrapping the right to a jury trial for lesser offences that "clog up the courts" could save £30 million a year in prosecutors' costs alone, the Government's victims' commissioner said today.

Louise Casey said almost 70,000 cases which could be heard by magistrates were making up more than 40% of the crown court's business every year, causing greater expense and leading to long delays for victims and witnesses of more serious offences.'

Read more: Call to Scrap Jury Trials for Lesser Offences

Indiana Legislators Want to Defund Kinsey Institute

'In light of voluminous evidence that pioneering sexologist Alfred Kinsey and his associates were guilty not only of scientific fraud but serious criminality - culminating this week with WND's exposé of one victim of Kinsey's notorious "child sexuality" studies conducted by pedophile "researchers" - Indiana legislators are calling for the defunding of the Kinsey Institute, located on the campus of state-subsidized Indiana University.'

Read more: Indiana Legislators Want to Defund Kinsey Institute

Climate Change Hysteria Falters. Water Is The New Target

'Self-proclaimed environmentalists and people who use the environment as a vehicle for political control, often the same people, have not quite destroyed environmentalism.

They are running out of exotic scares as coral bleaching, ocean acidification and a multitude of other claims prove unwarranted. A sign of desperation is the shift to much larger targets, but they pose the problem that people know a little more and basic questions raise immediate doubts.

Water is the latest target. More and more stories about running out of water appear. Most are linked to the false claim by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that droughts will increase in severity with global warming. It’s illogical because higher temperatures mean increased evaporation and more moisture in the air to create precipitation, but that doesn’t stop them.'

Read more: Climate Change Hysteria Falters. Water Is The New Target

US Deploys Fourth Submarine in Persian Gulf

'The United States has deployed its fourth submarine in the Persian Gulf region following the deployment of three others near the Bahrain Port. This comes as the USS Abraham Lincoln and French Charles de Gaulle aircraft carriers are heading toward the region.'

Read more: US Deploys Fourth Submarine in Persian Gulf