CAIR Demands Special Rights for muslims at Airports
Laura: So muslims and only muslims get to dictate how they are to be searched. The rest of us must be searched all over, have our privacy violated and have no say in the matter. The sick irony is that the very people who are responsible for terrorism are the ones who are getting preferential treatment, who won’t be thoroughly searched while the rest of the innocent population is forced to undergo humiliating body searches. This is Alice Through the looking glass.
And if these hijab clad muslim women have something hiding below the head and neck area, its just the tough luck of the rest of the innocent passengers. Meanwhile nuns are being patted down but I expect that the TSA will cave in to CAIR and avoid patting down muslim women. It’s an outrage. And if muslim women are given preferential treatment, then EVERYONE else should refuse to be patted down.
Muslim Group Advises Women Wearing Hijabs to Allow TSA ‘Enhanced Pat Downs’ Only on Head and Neck...
Is America bribing Bibi or blackmailing him
THE way the New York Times reports it, you might think that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are treating Israel’s prime minister with more solicitude than he deserves. If he will only agree to freeze Israeli settlement building in the West Bank for another 90 days, it seems, America will provide all sorts of goodies: advanced jet fighters, a commitment to maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge, diplomatic protection in the United Nations Security Council and much more. The pampering is almost unseemly, some (including the Palestinians) might say.
But isn’t there another way of looking at this supposed “incentive”? Until this weekend, most people assumed that Israel enjoyed an unconditional American promise to maintain its military edge, and a nearly unconditional promise to support it in the United Nations. Now it seems that President Obama is making the continuation of some of these things conditional on Israel’s acceptance...
Trick or Treat?
Israels leaders are either stupid, corrupt or in dire need of a good shrink! Yamit
Remember that second squadron of F-35′s, the ‘gift’ from the United States that was so attractive to the IDF that Prime Minister Netanyahu is going to go along with a ‘settlement freeze’ extension? I’m sure you’ll all be shocked to hear that they come with a little condition attached.
Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau has thrown cold water on comments by Defense Mnister Ehud Barak celebrating the U.S. “present” of 20 advanced fighter jets to Israel in exchange for implementing an additronal freeze. Landau clarified that the jets are not guaranteed to Israel and noted that they depend on reaching a final agreement with PA which most Israelis do not believe is possible.
Landau also reminded Barak that, during the retreat from Lebanon he ordered when he was Prime Minister ,he promised Israelis that the U.S. would give...
Threat or promise?
That’s what everybody’s asking about the latest settlement freeze offer/demand by the Obama Administration to Israel. According to the Jerusalem Post, here are the details: and Here Too
The US said that if the deal was accepted it would not request an additional settlement freeze. The request does not include east Jerusalem.
The date for the new freeze has not been set, but it would be retroactive to the September 26th date, when the previous 10-month moratorium on such activity expired…
Should Israel accept the offer, the US in turn has pledged in the next year to veto any efforts by the UN Security Council to impose on Israel a non-negotiated solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, as the Palestinians have requested.
It would further veto any resolutions that deny Israel the right to self-defense or seek to de-legitimize Israel. The US would also oppose such efforts in other UN bodies and forums.
The US administration would ask Congress to...
The Soul of America is on the Line
Looks like Joe Settler is quite upset but his anger is misdirected. He should be Blaming BB, Shas and the whole hypocritical political establishment. He should be blaming the leadership of the settler movement and the settlers themselves for their passivity and support of BB and the Likud. Obama will pass eventually from history but the damage BB and company will have done will long outlive Obama and BB himself.
Isn’t it strange that instead of attacking Iran, as he promised during the elections, BB negotiates away the Jordan Valley, Israel’s major security barrier? Yamit
If there were any people that thought the massive loss of Congress would give the Obama a pause in whether the people of the US approved His actions and philosophies, they can remove all those mistaken assumptions right now.
Let’s forget for a minute that the Obama is asking for an additional freeze.
Let’s instead consider His open threats.
Obama is telling Israel, that if...
The Jewish People vs George Soros
“Liberal using charges of Anti-Semitism to silence critics of Soros is one of the most profoundly cynical exercises imaginable, by people who routinely mock the idea that their bias against Israel is in any way motivated by Anti-Semitism. It is all the more cynical, because Soros has described himself as growing up in a “Jewish, Anti-Semitic home” and suggested that Jewish behavior causes Anti-Semitism. Defending criticism of a billionaire Anti-Semite as Anti-Semitism is thoroughly surreal. It’s an inversion of the meaning of the word that punches a hole through reason and all the way over into the other side.”
I spent yesterday evening in the company of a man whose grandfather spent much of the Holocaust dressed in a Nazi uniform. The difference between him and George Soros, is that he used that uniform as a disguise in order to find Jewish refugees and lead them to shelter. And that difference is a profound one. It is the...
Obama to present US Israel-Palestinian border map within 3 months
When I recently wrote Don’t extend the freeze, de facto or otherwise I said
“Equally interesting is why the US is prepared to give so much, in their view, to get it. Does the US think they can get an agreement on borders? Can’t imagine how they would do it. Do they have a trick up their sleeves. Wouldn’t put it past them.”
Now we know what’s behind the three month extension. Obviously, if the negotiations don’t get started, they will present the plan anyway. Probably a worse one for Israel.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report November 14, 2010,
debkafile’s Washington sources disclose that the three-month settlement construction freeze-for-incentives deal Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu discussed with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Friday, Nov. 12, also included a commitment to hold Israel-Palestinian negotiations on the two states’ final borders during that period. Assuming the talks collapse, the Obama administration will take the...
Krugman: Death Panels, VAT Will Fix Debt Crisis
By Ted Belman
Now that I have raised concerns about Palin’s stand on abortion, its time to do the same with her position on death panels.
Krugman dropped a bombshell on ABC’s “This Week with Christiane Amanpour” during a roundtable discussion about the economy and the recent findings of the U.S. Debt Reduction Commission.
“Some years down the pike, we’re going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes. It’s going to be that we’re actually going to take Medicare under control, and we’re going to have to get some additional revenue, probably from a VAT. But it’s not going to happen now.”
When Palin first drew attention to them, the Democrat reaction was denial. It took a year before experts would acknowledge she was right. Now Krugman has taken up the issue openly and directly.
“Death Panels” is another way to describe the limitation of services...
The Feminist Politics of Islamic Misogyny
Phyllis Chesler:
…What kind of feminism does Abu-Lughod represent? She is a post-colonial, postmodern, cultural relativist, a professor of anthropology and women’s and gender studies who does not believe in universal standards of human rights. However, her allegedly feminist work primarily serves the cause of one nationalism only — Palestinian — and of one tradition only — Islam/Islamism. …
Obama’s Suicidal Demands on Israel
Laura: Obama has been politically weakened by the mid term elections. Why on earth is Bibi compelled to give in to any of his demands, let alone ones which are fatal to the state of Israel?
Obama’s Israel squeeze: Worse than you know
Demands Jewish state retreat from territory vital for survival
By Aaron Klein
NEW YORK – A U.S. proposal for a deal with the Palestinian Authority did not include an Israeli lease for part of the strategic Jordan Valley as widely reported, according to a senior PA official speaking to WND.
The PA official said the proposed deal from the Obama administration instead gave most of that territory entirely to Palestinian control.
The official was referring to a report from Israel’s Army Radio US which claimed the Obama administration proposed that Israel relinquish the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians and that the Jewish state would lease back parts of the valley from the Palestinians for a up to seven years.
According to...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel