Green Invasion of Christian Churches
Teachers, Preachers and Greens: The Unholy Alliance to Transform America.
What to do? The answer was obvious. Change America. Get her to join the community of nations with a proper attitude. Force her to learn her proper place. Target: America’s attitudes, values and beliefs. And to force us to quickly question those American ideals, elements of guilt and fear would be essential. Two specific targets were identified: the American public school system and America’s Christian churches......
by Tom DeWeese
FDA Food "Safety" Bill Poised For Senate Vote This Week
If the bill does become law you can say goodbye to farmers markets, organically grown produce, raw milk – the kinds of food increasing numbers of Americans have been producing and seeking out. Think I’m exaggerating? Here’s what attorney Pete Kennedy has to say about it........
by Sarah Foster
The Free Individual
As society and government and media produce more turmoil and junk information, it’s easier to forget there are first principles. Well, most of the time, people can manage to forget first principles anyway. Who needs them? They just get in the way of a relatively smooth life, in which authentic thought plays a minor role. One could say the prevailing philosophy is not to have a philosophy. However.....
by Jon Rappoport
Cartoonist Ted Rall to Appear at Communist Bookstore
It is disgusting that a network such as MSNBC, whose on-air personalities have been so critical of the Tea Party movement, would give a platform to Rall and his statements that seem to endorse revolutionary violence. The last time this happened in America was when the Weather Underground, the Black Liberation Army, and the Puerto Rican FALN were accepting the support of Communist Cuba and bombing buildings and.....
by Cliff Kincaid