Monday, 15 November 2010

Christian Concern - Prayer Alert.
Christian Concern
Prayer Alert

Breaking News

Christian Doctor Unable to Practise

This is an urgent prayer request for Sheila Matthews, a Christian doctor who has been forced out of her role at work because she thinks that children are best placed with a mother and a father.

Sheila Matthews, a paediatrician of 18 years, sat on an adoption panel and asked to abstain from voting on whether children should be placed with homosexual couples, due to her Christian beliefs. This resulted in her beingdismissed as a medical adviser by Northamptonshire County Council. After a campaign led by Christian Concern she was reinstated in her job yet she was no longer allowed to continue as a full member of the adoption panel.This meant that she lost the opportunity to put vulnerable children in loving homes and her career was restricted.

Sheila resigned this March because she felt that she could no longer work somewhere where she was denied the opportunity to fully use her skills. She has effectively been excluded from practising her vocation due to her Christian views.

Sheila is going before an employment tribunal in Leicester today where she will make an application for her case to be referred to the European Court of Justice. This is a vital case for Christian freedoms, and its result could affect the careers of many Christian medical staff and the futures of many children in need of adoption.

Please pray urgently for Sheila Matthews and for Paul Diamond who is representing her. Please pray that justice would be done and that Christian freedoms would be protected.

The Christian Legal Centre relies entirely on the generous donations of Christians to fight cases such as these. If you are able to help us towards meeting the costs of this case then please click the donate button to make a gift. It will be gratefully received and effectively used to fight the growth of secular humanism in our nation.

Click here to donate


Daily Mail
Christian Concern

Thank you for praying. Thank you for supporting us at The Christian Legal Centre.

Andrea's signature

Andrea Minichiello Williams
Director of Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre