Monday, 15 November 2010

November 14, 2010

The Coercive Church
The religion practiced today is done at the government temples which provide for the needy of modern society. Those administrators are the priests of the people's true religion and their government is the new Pharisees of the Coercive Church established by men. Their schemes of social security are formed like those of Herod and the Pharisees and again make the word of God to none effect. What they do on Sunday is just to.......
by Brother Gregory Williams

Have we Become a Communist Nation?
Karl Marx stated that these ten planks in the Communist Manifesto would be the test whether a country had become communist or not. Is America a Communist nation? Study the manifesto and the laws that have been passed by our Republican and Democrat politicians, and “you determine” if we are or if we are not a Communist........
by Derry Brownfield

Transaction Miracles
Transaction management by 'experts' always has a goal. Having a goal makes it possible for the vain brain social managers to represent themselves as scientists. If they are successful in reaching a goal it is scientific success. If they are unsuccessful in reaching their goal it is explained as scientific experimentation. To the vain brain 'scientists.' It is perfectly legitimate to conduct one human social or transaction experiment after.........
by Erica Carle

The Importance of History, Part 20
In 1789 Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance which prohibited slavery in any federal territory. In 1808 Congress abolished the slave trade. This history is not taught because it shows that the Founders for the most part, were not in favor of slavery, a fact that the revisionists do not want to be known. In the 1820’s we began to see a........
by Pastor Roger Anghis