Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Farhud:

Roots of the A r a b - Na z i Alliance in the Holocaust


When Hitler Met Al-Husseini

And no, it's not funny.

A terrible scheming plot between Esau and Ishmael
to destroy the Jews takes place in Berlin, in 1941
which leads to the cooperation of

The Final Solution against the Jews.

Did you know that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini met with Hitler in Berlin during WWII in 1941 in order to join together and align forces, to the detriment of the Jews? The Nazis would kill the Jews in Europe, and the Muslim Arabs would kill the Jews in the Middle East. Radical Muslims continue to revere Hitler to this day and still use the Nazi salute. They, like the Nazis whom they allied with, want to see the Jews dead.

As the Jews were being murdered in Europe by the forces of Esau, Jews in Arab lands were also being murdered by Ishmaelites through Pogroms (looting, raping, hacking, maiming, and killings and lynchings).

Did you know that while all this was going on, the British, who held the British mandate over Palestine, refused to let Jews from Europe and the Middle East, flee to safety by immigrating to Palestine, and thus were murdered in the Diaspora ?

Why aren't these facts more available and known to the wider public? Well, they can be now. My guest, award-winning Investigative Reporter Edwin Black, joins me to talk about his brand new door stopping 400+ page book about the Farhud www.farhudbook.com the famous pogrom against Jews in Iraq that took place during WWII with the abetting and support of Hitler. Together, they would finish off the Jews, and then go on to conquer the world.

"MONUMENTAL AND EXHAUSTIVELY DOCUMENTED. Monumental in scope, Edwin Black’s new book The Farhud sheds light on the under-researched, 14-century-long confrontation between the Caliphate and the Jewish communities, and offers new exhaustively documented details of exactly how the Pan-Arabist and Jihadist movement of the Levant, led by the Mufti of Jerusalem, al-Husseini, partnered with the Nazis during the darkest days of the Holocaust.
Walid Phares author of
Future Jihad and Fox TV Terrorism Analyst

Don't miss this show! http://www.farhudbook.com/

LIVE, on 'The Tamar Yonah Show'. www.IsraelNationalRadio.com