Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Here is your Crux PM update:

Unbelievable video of a Chinese hotel being built and finished in just six days
"Repeat after us - there is no Chinese bubble..."

Must-read: An open letter to Ben Bernanke
Some of the world's top investors and economists tell the Fed to stop the insanity...

Top manager Hussman: Get ready for a "major correction"
"Even gold is at risk…"

Interest rates soaring: Treasury yields are now higher than before Fed announced "QE2"
"This is just one more sign that QE will do nothing to help the real economy..."

OUTRAGE: TSA threatens $10,000 fine for refusing full body scans at airports
"In the United States, we've never before strip-searched unless there's reasonable suspicion of some kind of criminal activity."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux