Tuesday 2 November 2010

Glass Steagall Today, Before it's Too Late

'Britain's banks are bankrupt. We have said it many times. They are trading while insolvent, and in this country at least, that is illegal. The British establishment is owned lock, stock and barrel by these banks, and so nothing is done. They have already taken us very close to the point of no return, and the financial collapse is only one symptom of their fraudulent thinking.

As we published recently in the paper edition of the UK Column, this stage of the process began in 1971, with the double whammy of the "Nixon Shock", where President Nixon unilaterally cancelled the US Dollar's link to gold that essentially ended the Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange, combined with Rothschild's formation of the Inter Alpha Group.

The Inter Alpha Group is a cartel of European banks, including the Royal Bank of Scotland, AIB and ING among others. The most notable name in the list is Santander. Notable because it is exhibiting the greatest symptoms of bankruptcy.'

Read more: Glass Steagall Today, Before it's Too Late


Did Obama Order British Authorities To Find Non-Existent Ink Bomb?

'After having examined the suspicious ink toner device for six hours and found it to be a dud, bomb experts at East Midlands Airport only reversed their decision after being ordered to re-inspect the package by US authorities following President Obama’s Friday afternoon speech in which he claimed that the devices did in fact contain explosives.

This telling contradiction in the timeline of the cargo bomb plot fiasco proves that the story was being hyped and manipulated from the very early stages.'

Read more: Did Obama Order British Authorities To Find Non-Existent Ink Bomb?