Tuesday 2 November 2010

Ron Paul Can Beat Obama In 2012

When even uber-leftist Chris Matthews slams the President for being elitist and distant from the American people, you know that the cult of Obama is finished for good, and that Barry’s political career may not even survive long enough for him to run again in 2012, providing the perfect opportunity for Ron Paul to outstrip a similarly despised group of neo-con Republican candidates and become the people’s President in two years’ time.

 Obama faces historic backlash in mid-term elections as Democrats head for worst rout at polls in 68 years
 CNN Poll: Those who say things going poorly higher than 1994 or 2006

Historic British/French Military Deal Highlights Further Global Power Consolidation That We’re Told Isn’t Happening (Except When It Is)

British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy will sign two declarations at a summit in London which will lead to Great Britain and France merging military and technological resources.

 Saudi Arms Deal is About Iran

Living Beyond Our Means: 3 Charts That Prove That We Are In The Biggest Debt Bubble In The History Of The World
Do you want to see something truly frightening? Just check out the 3 charts posted further down in this article. These charts prove that we are now in the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world.

• Fed Easing May Mean 20% Dollar Drop: Bill Gross

The Television Commercial About The National Debt That Is Being Banned By Major Networks
A new television ad about the U.S. national debt produced by Citizens Against Government Waste has been deemed “too controversial” by major networks including ABC, A&E and The History Channel and will not be shown on those channels.