Guy Leven-TorresImperiums - Types of..Saturday Essay13th November 2010Empires come in two basic forms- The military and the economic. By this I mean conquest through armed invasion of territory or through trading, wherein a superior civilisation trades its way to power and hegemony. In practice of course, Empires like the Roman and the British were a mixture of both, since both used the superiority of their civilisations to trade and the military power they wielded, to enforce or coerce their will through threat or actual invasion, designed to command and control. There are other factors of course, like generals and politicians trying to make a name for themselves, like Caesar and Alexander but Empires usually found themselves through reasons of trade and the wealth to be found through human capacity to work and produce but also, in the talents that are inherent in any subjugated population, especially craftsmen and their skills in armaments in the ancient world, their technology and the raw materials often within the land to produce those armaments. But above all else Empire, is about land and the domination of it and the capacity to control the wealth in raw materials to be found in mining or in food production. Sometimes, the possession of land controlled strategically important routes for trade and the passage of armies, such as the strip of land Rome took, that is now called Provence in Southern France, itself a corruption of the Latin provincia. The ownership of this land by Rome in the 2nd Century BC, gave access to Gallic traders and superior metal workers more highly skilled in the manufacture of swords than the Italians but also to soap and other materials, traded up and down the Rhone Valley. The possession of land and military forces placed therein, could be a strong bargaining chip as well in order to gain access and power over ‘client states’, a system easily utilised and exploited by both Romans, British and the Russian Empires. Client States are also cheaper to maintain and less costly without the expensive deployment of troops. I also emphasise again, the need to ensure that the subject population, or at least its elite identify their own interests with the conquering power. Rome managed this better than any other imperial power in history, including the British and American that I find speaking as an historian and strategist, singularly lacking in their imperial efforts. The European Union is really quite a strange institution. It is certainly showing increased signs of being an Empire but unlike, older Empires it seeks to wage war upon its own Peoples. It has no professional legions yet to conquer land outside Europe and does not even have a strong Red Army and an internal security force to maintain control, of its increasingly helotised populace who have made it very clear to their political masters, they do not want to be part of a EuroState or EuroEmpire, which presents quite a problem of command and control for the ruling elite, who simply cannot take for granted any military forces, unless they intend to deploy more versions of the proto-legionary Eurogendfor, now being trained in secret perhaps? At present it is held together by a Marxist political bureaucratic class that utilises migrants and an extreme Wahabist mercenary form of internal colonisation, in which its faithful live within de facto, military colonies of troops paid in welfare benefits but supported by increasingly oppressive laws and scare tactics, to cow the indigenous population. This will work for some time but there are increasing signs that the alien colonists have seen a good thing in rioting every year, in countries like France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Sweden, and that the European populace and even moderate Moslems have had enough. The authorities have of course tolerated these riots since they encourage, the natives to keep quiet for fear of more violence or prosecution by ‘Hate laws’ so designed to quell dissent. The EuroState, may or may not be controlled, by larger darker forces in the form of Globalist corporations and institutions, like banks and even the City of London, that pays the political ruling class as ‘clients’, in which to enforce their imperial will on the populations and lands of Europe. The EuroEmpire, is also perhaps the first Empire in history established to rob its own people and land, in order to support itself or rather a narrow elite that lives off the population in an increasingly feudal manner. One report we have, even suggests the British Royal and European Royal families may be the driving forces in this new imperium, with a view to re-establishing aristocratic control over the democratic peoples of the Continent, as a post-democratic solution to the growth of popular power after the collapse of the ancient regime, that ruled Europe for 800 years. These aristocrats may well be what they are but they seem to be heavily imbibed with Fabian Socialism and are in active cooperation with the bureaucrats and politicians that make up the rest of the Ruling elite, that is fast becoming a ruling Caste, similar to that found in places like India and parts of the Arabian world. I have called this process the primitivisation of society and indeed, the return of punitive ‘Hate’ laws against Moslem belief or criticism of it, has led to the imprisonment and psychological torture by a modern Inquisition in the form of police and bureaucratic witch hunts, spurred on by violent religious mobs calling for the beheading of Danish cartoons and ‘fatwas’ against writers like myself and Salman Rushdie. The European Union Empire is effectively an Empire of Robbers, solely designed to exploit the wealth and manpower available to it within its population, rapidly but intentionally being replaced by swarms of migrants, whose attitudes to police states and imperial rule, is far more in keeping with the intentions of the ruling caste in Brussels, Berlin, London and Paris. The reports we have found indicate that the caste- a blend of the old aristocracy, politicians, officials, and public servants and corporate employees, seek to appropriate all available wealth in the form of land, housing, cash and other materials owned by the middle-class, by gradually increasing rates of tax to a point that the population is gradually sucked dry and their property taken from them in the form of fines, gradually reducing them to helotised servitude, their every movement and habit controlled from dawn to dusk by heavily policed surveillance; in other words the classic Marxist feudal state. The trouble is, that in their need to steal and live like the strategic parasites they are, they seem to have forgotten the basic tenets of Empire and how to maintain their ascendancy over the helotised populace. No heavily bureaucratised Empire has survived for long before its inertia kills it from within and unless the EuroEmpire, is hell bent on military expansion and conquest, in order to establish a dynamic for its survival by acquiring more land and the wealth of other populations, it will collapse from within as the Roman did, and so too the Byzantine; an especial historical lesson for the EuroElite caste as the bureaucracy of the latter literally prevented the authorities from defending its imperial demesne from the invading Moslem armies, welcomed in large part by helots, tied to the land in an hereditary occupation and taxed to support a parasite, lethargic ruling caste, very similar to that now emerging in the EuroState. The expansion of the EU to more than 27 states and now North Africa is the classic dynamic of imperial expansion-it has no choice other than to do so, otherwise it will stagnate and die. It will also overstretch itself as Rome did in 118, after Trajan the brilliant Roman Commander and Emperor died. Rome could simply nor maintain the costs of such large land masses and his successor Hadrian pulled back from Parthia, from which time the Empire went onto the defensive and Jewish and other provincials went into open revolt. tired of Roman rule and saw a chance to take back independence in an overstretched Empire- UKIP please note! Furthermore the Moslem military colonists, driven by the spiritual violence and appeal of Wahabism may very soon, as they are in some cases already, turn out to be the arbiters of power in much the same way as the Franks and Goths were to the dying Romans. The Islamisation of Europe is already far advanced and what we may be witnessing is the rapidly increasing establishment of a European Caliphate, with a helotised populace and a former ruling European elite, having the richly deserved stark choice of becoming Moslem or facing the axe-and I kid you not! The populace tired of Marxist theft and extortion rackets- for that is what the EU is really about- your property and mine- may soon tire of this and see Islam as a relief from cheap sex, conspicuous consumption and parasitical ruling castes sucking them dry like vampires. The human being is a complex creature and cannot simply live by bread and handouts alone- And the Moslems know this as did the first Christian Jesus Christ, who said so too….. |
Friday, 12 November 2010
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Britannia Radio