Thursday 4 November 2010

Just Journalism
November 4, 2010
Media Analysis

Britain and universal jurisdiction

On Thursday it was widely reported that British Foreign Secretary William Hague, currently on his first state visit to Israel, had been blindsided by the Israeli Foreign Ministry's decision to cancel a series of 'strategic dialogue' meetings pertinent to Anglo-Israeli relations.

According to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the surprise move came as a result of the Home Office's current stance on so-called universal jurisdiction, whereby sitting or former foreign officials accused of war crimes risk prosecution if they travel on private business to Britain. So far, three Israelis have been targeted by this statute resulting in headline-making cancellations of visits to Britain. Critics of universal jurisdiction often classify it as a form of 'lawfare'... Read more>>

The Wire

Guardian recommends anti-Zionist rapper

Wed. 3 Nov. @ 16.52 -

Rapper who believes that 'nothing is more anti-Semitic than Zionism' is recommended as introduction to UK hip-hop.

Following the appearance of Jay-Z on Radio 4's Today programme, where the veteran American rapper recommended hip-hop tracks for people who 'didn't get' the musical genre, The Guardian's Kieran Yates wrote an online article asking for similar recommendations... Read more>>

Ashtiani still faces execution in Iran

Wed. 3 Nov. @ 16.30 -

Reports have emerged today which suggest that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani still faces execution in Iran for alleged adultery, but reports that she had already been executed are not true.

The International Committee Against Stoning released a statement saying that:

'global protests have managed to prevent the execution of Iran stoning case Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani as of now. However the threat of imminent execution remains.'

According to the French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, as reported on the BBC News website, no decision has been made in Iran about Ashtiani... Read more>>

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