Thursday 4 November 2010

Islam Attacks: Booby-Trapping Bodies of Dead U.S. Soldiers

A posting on the jihadi forum Shumukh Al-Islam, by a member calling himself "Al-Raya Al-Sawda" ("Black Flag"), urges booby-trapping the bodies of American soldiers killed in "successful" jihad operations, and then detonating the charges by remote control when other troops come to collect the bodies or when they are on board a plane carrying them back to the U.S.

This is Islam -- where are the Islamic supremacist groups ripping these groups and tactics apart as viciously as they do Spencer and me? Where are the OIC, CAIR, ICNA. NIAT, ISNA et all? Their agenda is clear. Whose side are you on?

Jihadi Forum Member Suggests Booby-Trapping Bodies of Dead U.S. Soldiers MEMRI

A posting on the jihadi forum Shumukh Al-Islam, by a member calling himself "Al-Raya Al-Sawda" ("Black Flag")[1], suggests booby-trapping the bodies of American soldiers killed in "successful" jihad operations, and then detonating the charges by remote control when other troops come to collect the bodies or when they are on board a plane carrying them back to the U.S.

"Black Flag" wrote: "The crux of the idea is to plant small but deadly bombs within the bodies of the American soldiers after every blessed attack in which the mujahideen gain a victory... The idea may be difficult to realize, and I [personally] do not know how it can be implemented, but Allah knows that if it is done [even] once, it will shock [the Americans], especially if the explosion takes place when the bodies are being flown [to the U.S.]."

The message elicited positive responses from other forum members, who characterized the idea as "excellent" and "very clever." One response pointed out that "someone who doesn't think up [new ideas] never succeeds," and a member called "Abu Hamza" concurred, saying: "The important thing is to bring up ideas, so that they reach the mujahideen, who can develop them... Perhaps the mujahideen have equipment and bombs we don't know about, which can be used for this purpose, inshallah... The idea can also developed further: perhaps the bodies can be saturated with a deadly poison that will kill whoever inhales it..."


[1] This may be a reference to the black banner bearing the legend "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger," which appears on many websites associated with Al-Qaeda and global jihad.

From Iran's ABNA:

The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has said the only solution for the Arab- Zionist conflict was “comprehensive resistance against the Zionist enemy with the aim of liberating all of the occupied Palestine,” local Arabic newspapers reported.

IUMS chairman Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, who opened the Union’s permanent headquarters in Doha, expressed gratitude to HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani for granting the facility.

The IUMS warned of sectarian and doctrinal conflicts among Muslims, which it said would serve “only the Zionist and American interests”.

The Union described Palestinian issue as the central problem of the Muslim Nation and as the most dangerous against its future, Rohama reported.
Here is the actual statement of the IUMS.

Qaradawi is possibly the most influential Sunni religious figure in the world.

Naturally, Western news media don't give any coverage to the daily statements by even major Islamic figures inciting Muslims to murder a few million Jews. After all, it is a dog-bites-man story.

A nice background article on the group from Asharq al-Awsat discusses how the IUMS uses Israel to mask its internal problems.

Imitating Muhammad: 80-year-old Muslim marries 14-year-old girl

"The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)." -- Bukhari 7.62.88

Child marriage is common in some areas of the Islamic world in imitation of Muhammad's example, since Muhammad is the supreme example of conduct for Muslims (cf. Qur'an 33:21). And so here again we confront the irony: Islamic spokesmen in the West routinely denounce as "Islamophobes" those who point out that Muhammad consummated his marriage with Aisha when he was 54 and she was 9, and claim that Aisha was much older, but in the Islamic world the Misunderstanders of Islam once again abound, and engage in or condone child marriage in imitation of Muhammad.

Note also in this story how the girl is considered to be the possession of either her husband or her father, with no say of her own.

Sharia Alert from the Kingdom of the Two Holy Places: "80-year-old man marries 14-year-old," from Emirates 24/7, November 3 (thanks to Heart of a Lioness):

A Saudi old man aged above 80 years has married a 14-year-old girl and is refusing to divorce her unless she pays him back his wedding money, the Saudi Ajel Arabic language online paper reported on Wednesday.

The bride's father, Showan Ateen, said his daughter had been forced to marry that man from the southwestern town of Sabya but that she has not moved in with him yet. He did not say who forced her to marry him.

"The father and the bride now want a divorce but the husband is refusing to divorce her before they pay him back his SR-17,000 dowry," Ajel said.

"Her father said he does not have the money and is appealing for all benevolent people to help him so he will regain his daughter...the old man has threatened that they either pay him or he will take her by force."

The report comes amidst furor in the Gulf Kingdom over widespread teen age marriage and calls for enacting laws to curb such practices.

Good luck with that.