Thursday 4 November 2010

Recognizing and Dealing with Modern Judicial Terrorism
When running down the laundry list of modern threats to freedom and liberty in America, atop that list is the corrupt and anti-constitution nature of today’s judicial branch. Without a genuine respect for the rule of law and reverence for the supreme law of this land inside the judicial branch, JFK is right – an absence of peaceful solutions will always result in violent revolution......
by JB Williams

Iraq's Christian bloodbath ignored by Obama White House
Since the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime, more than half the country's Christian population has been forced by targeted violence to seek refuge abroad or to live away from their homes as internally displaced people. According to the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, over 700 Christians, including bishops and priests, have been killed and 61 churches have been bombed........
by NWV News

Repudiation of Politicians That Refuse to ListenUnfortunately, the people re-elected one of the most incompetent members back into the U.S. Senate by the name of Harry Reid. Shows how totally dumb and completely stupid the majority of voters in Nevada—with the highest unemployment, trashed schools, bankrupted hospitals, bursting prisons, anchor babies, crime, welfare and massive illegal alien population. Nevada represents the next California as those numbers grow. Reid voted against “English” as our national language......
by Frosty Wooldridge