Wednesday 3 November 2010

November 3, 2010

News With Views Deserves our Financial Support
NewsWithViews draws together the nations most believable cast of commentators and talk hosts, each of whom add color and excitement to the great American discussion, and they present it in an open and free format that allows a wide diversity of conservative thought to filter out to millions of people. NewsWithViews scours the main stream and alternative information centers and brings us what I think is easily the most dependable and trustworthy source of news and information available anywhere......
by Roger Fredinburg

Patriots are Eyeball to Eyeball With The Illuminati
It has taken the better part of two and a quarter centuries for the people of the United States of America to arrive again on the domestic field of battle. This defining moment should have been reached well over one hundred years ago, however; the informed and energized constitutional patriots simply were ignored and shouted down from 1871 forward. War weary citizens, like people everywhere, prefer peace and serenity to.......
by Greg Evensen

Click on the banner and check out Cuddy's new book

The Secret Hand
"If you think more Republicans are the answer to our problems, read the following commentary from 2004.".....
by Paul Proctor

Forbidden Gates, Part 15
Where biotechnology is ultimately headed includes not only redefining what it means to be human, but redefining subsequent human rights as well. For instance, Dr. James Hughes wants transgenic chimps and great apes uplifted genetically so that they achieve “personhood.” The underlying goal behind this theory would be to establish that basic cognitive aptitude should equal “personhood” and that this “cognitive standard” and not “human-ness” should be the key to constitutional protections and.....
by Thomas Horn