Wednesday 3 November 2010

Open Europe

Invites you to a panel debate:

The Government's EU referendum lock: giving the key to Parliament and voters?

Tuesday 16 November

12.30pm - 2pm

St. Stephen's Club
34 Queen Anne's Gate


David Lidington MP

Minister of State for Europe

Kate Hoey MP

Labour MP for Vauxhall

David Rennie

Political Editor and Bagehot columnist, The Economist

Mats Persson

Director, Open Europe

The Government's new Sovereignty Bill will include a 'referendum lock' designed to give the British people the final say over any further transfers of power from Britain to the European Union. We will ask how likely it is that the referendum lock will be tested in the future and whether it really gives voters the key to determine whether more power is transferred from Westminster to Brussels? We will also discuss the opportunities that the new Bill provides for strengthening the role of Parliament in EU affairs.

Places are limited. If you wish to attend, please send an e-mail with your name and affiliation to:

For further information on this event, please contact Sarah Hodges on 0207 197 2333