Wednesday 3 November 2010

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9/11 Essay Please Circulate.

Idiocy And Deathwish- The Rejection Of Civilisation

Guy leven-Torres

11th September 2010

Never forget I write as a scholar. One of the most fascinating themes for me today, is the question-'Why are the generations that formed the 'Degeneration of Sixty-Hate' so keen on rejecting a 2000 years old culture? Their determination furthermore is a pathological entity- oblivious to rhyme nor most unfortunately Reason itself- Indeed I would classify it as a collective psychosis or mental illness. This has happened in history before- mass hysteria is nothing new as the Third Reich and 1967 'The Cultural Revolution' of Mao-Tse-Tung, clearly show quite recently in historical terms. Is it something to do with DNA and population capacity? The one aspect that keeps leaping from the pages of my reading is population every time.

When my father was born in 1922, the population of the globe was around 1.5 billion- today it is 6.5 billion and growing, at least in the Third World, especially 'Islamic' countries. In the Roman Empire the population was at its highest when the Imperium was at its zenith- around 120AD. Records and archaeology postulate a figure of around 123,000,000, of which perhaps 5,000,000 were Roman citizens. The cry made by St. Paul to the Roman authorities, 'Civis Romanus Sum!'- 'I am a Citizen!' says it all. Things changed when Caracalla, one of the sons of Septimius Severus extended the Roman franchise orsuffragio to all free men and women within the Empire in 212AD. In many ways it was an 'Onanist Moment' for mankind, or at least that part of it ruled by Roma and her pax romana. Onan was instructed by God to impregnate Er's wife Tamar so that they would be dead Er's 'offspring'. Onan instead pretended to impregnate Tamar so Jaweh killed him too as he had exterminated Er as punishment for disobedience. The 'Onanist Moment' I refer to, was that in creating more Romans, Caracalla destroyed the specialness of being 'Roman' and elite by making it commonplace and so undermining its very reason to exist- i.e. its uniqueness in being Roman. It was after all the very uniqueness and sense of Rome's divine destiny that drove her to conquer the known world- very much like the Moslem sense of mission today and that of the early Christians- The more sperm one ejects into the cosmic vagina, the less likely is it to survive or hit the desired target.

What I am suggesting is that the generation of 'The Summer of Love 1968' in rejecting materialism and the mores of their parents, not only rejected the last but also the Christian civilisation that went with it and without which it could not survive. They also, most importantly rejected themselves. What appals myself is the extreme and unreasonable extent to which it has reached today in the minds of most people. Hardly a day goes by without one hearing, 'I am not a racist but' or 'I am not Islamophobic but'. These words now form a programmed self-censoring- self destructive-suicidal attitude to life and to ourselves in general, even in the face of incredible violence and extremes of provocation by Islamists and others who seeing a chance to bring about their own dominance, attack us with a zealousness rarely seen, if at all in human history. Indeed I would even go so far as to say that this is perhaps the quintessential reason, why we are unable to defend ourselves, as we have every right to do so but instead persist in assisting the enemy in our own demise and defeat, even attacking those of our own democratic, truly freedom loving forces in our arts and sciences and in the military, now fighting a desperate rearguard action for our civilisational survival.

The 'problem' of Israel is in effect and encapsulation our politically-correct mindset. This tiny state is actually highly valued believe it or not by many Arab states in the Region as a beacon of stability, in an otherwise very traditionally unstable Region. This area has always been strategically important throughout history. It was here in the Fertile Crescent that the Roman and Parthian/Persian empires met. It was from here that the Moslems ruled the various 'Islamic' empires until the collapse of the Ottoman around 1920. Today it is the nexus of the global order, because it is here above all other regions around the globe that our future survival will be determined. Israel and our determination to protect it from those set upon destroying it, will act as a 'weatherbell' for the survival of the West itself. If Israel goes- the only truly democratic state in the area- the West will go with it. It may take a few years but if we fail to defend the Jews, then not only, already fast Islamising Europe will fall but the United States as well.

Those entities that control the Fertile Crescent, control the globe- quite literally. I would even call it the navel of the Globe itself. Through here- the Bridge into Asia- trade, politics, technology flows to feed the world, raising its living standards and allowing the world to be a far better place for humankind than it would be without. I refer of course to the Suez Canal, that still absolutely vital artery of world commerce, that despite air travel is the main vein in world discourse. If Israel goes, Iran will dominate and she is on the verge of obtaining nuclear weapons. It is not a matter of 'if' she will use them but when. Simply by being in possession of them she can shut down the canal and so deny food and supplies of oil, raw materials and food to the West and East. Israel is her bete-noir, placed just nicely to act as a military counter balance to Iran's traditional Persian desire to dominate the region- a desire that dates from the days of Kings Xerxes. Saudi-Arabia has in fact the most to lose from the extinction of Israel, as does Jordan and Egypt, all of which have their own problems with Islamist extremism.....

Above all else the shutting down of traditional trading routes throughout the Asian region will only extend the power of Iran and allow her to undermine and control the various highly unstable tin-pot regimes like Khazakstan, that lie below the southern borders of Russia. Iran is highly visible in her support of Chechen rebels and in her activities to start a war between Georgia and the modern Russian Federation. Iran knows that control of these states would make her a Super Power on a par with the USA and China. It is also the key component for her plans for a Persian controlled Caliphate across Asia up to but eventually including China itself, where she is at this very moment trying to undermine Communist rule in the Moslem regions of the latter. A Chinese Superpower is far more preferable to a shia Caliphate any day, as is a strong Russia. Yet what do the Western elites do? They continue to give succour and assistance to our common enemy-Iran and its Pakistani-Syrian allies, soon to be joined by Iraq, where Americans, who have served there have informed me that it is well known Iran is the cause of most of the current instability. Iraq is just another domino in the Iranian plan. She wants to see a shia controlled entity.

The USA continues to treat Russia with great suspicion? The same can be said for Europe too who stuck its unwelcome nose into the affairs of Georgia. My question to Brussels and those desirous of extending the EU and NATO beyond Turkey, would be 'Why the hell are you playing around with fire and undermining Christian countries that should be supported, not undermined and so playing up to Iranian ambitions and in doing so weakening NATO, a potential ally in Russia, and exposing all of the West to the grand finale of a Europe, even a US in thrall to an Islamic imperium and our own civilisational destruction? Why is it American administrations always back the wrong horses politically and historically? I do not criticise the American people here but their naïve elites- especially the Bush Jr- Obama regimes, who also seem to have declared war on their own electorates and cultures, so weakening our ability to survive but instead aiding and abetting our enemies like Iran and its satellites like Pakistan? The recent arrest of Russian 'agents' was a joke in fact, more reminiscent of KGB tactics than those of the CIA or FBI supposedly dedicated to protecting the 'Land of The Free'.

The British 'Intelligence' and Police are just as suspect and dangerous. All seem to be assisting the enemy rather than protecting us that pay for their upkeep. The beating given to a woman in the County of Wiltshire in England, by a yob Police Sergeant is but a small example of a now common attitude among a force and state, that regularly wars against its own people. In may ways the Russians have been incredibly diplomatic about the recent, almost comical arrest of Russian 'spies'. They spy on Russia and given the obsession of the US to still treat Russia as it did the USSR, it is no small wonder the Russians are now resuming their previous anti-Western stance. Russia should be treated as an honoured and respected friend in our struggle with the Islamist thugs- the same ones that murdered in New York and in Beslan. All are part of the Islamist Matrix- or Islamatrix devoted to the overthrow of the West.

I feel ashamed to be a Briton today. Our elites- ones we supposedly elected, now regularly demonise Russia and Israel. Israel by the way has just signed a pact with Russia to share technology. They know the way the wind is blowing. Today I receive my news from Russia Today or 'RT'. There is none of the politically correct rubbish or dumbed down dross we see on the Children's Hour BBC and its Moslem appeasing, western hating tyrannical lies, more akin to the Communist 'Pravda' or Nazi paper, 'Volkischer Beobachter' from Hitler's time. Ironic isn't it?

These self-admiring global elites may wish to climb into bed, appease our enemies, even give them open support but we, the ultimate sufferers of this incredible betrayal by the Class Warriors of '68 do not wish to enter or live in Socialist Nirvana or into paradise with 72 virgins. We kind of like our own cultures of which Israel is a most important part strategically as is the UK, currently serving as an Islamist aircraft carrier to wage jihad against the West. Unlike our elite, I do not hate myself nor Israel. Indeed, I love western civilisation and its founders the Jews, Greeks and Romans, whose original ideas of personal salvation and responsibility made us what we are- Europeans and the greatest civilisation in history!
