Wednesday 3 November 2010

Today's Daily Briefing Sponsored by: The Jewish Council for Public Affairs

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GOP sweep makes one Jew a star, unseats and disempowers others

A historic Republican sweep of the U.S. House of Representatives has propelled Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the minority whip, to the verge of becoming the highest-ranking Jewish lawmaker in U.S. political history while driving out at least five Jewish Democrats in the House plus a sixth losing his bid for the Senate.Read more »

U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, shown speaking at an October 2010 rally in Kentucky for Senate candidate Rand Paul, was urging new Republican lawmakers on election night to challenge the Republican


America needs a civility campaign

Following one of the least civil election campaigns in memory, it's clear that the U.S. must end the knee-jerk hostility and start something new, something civil, the JCPA's Rabbi Steve Gutow writes in an Op-Ed for JTA.

God in the voting booth

Many religious people bring their faith with them when they cast their ballots. How could it be otherwise, asks Rabbi Brad Hirschfield of CLAL in a column for Fox News, since voting shapes the culture and society in which we live.

Steinsaltz completing a 45-year journey

The scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz will formally conclude his Hebrew translation of the Babylonian Talmud on Nov. 7, and hundreds of Jewish communities will celebrate with a Global Day of Jewish Learning, JTA's Sue Fishkoff reports.


Italian Jewish leaders have sharply criticized an Italian TV miniseries that portrays Pope Pius XII as working forcefully to save Jews during the Holocaust.
A Knesset committee has made it possible for a civil unions law to be implemented in Israel.
Israel "intervened" in the U.S. midterm elections in order to scupper the peace process, a PLO official said.
Canada's leading drugstore chain has pulled a controversial magazine from its racks, but insists the decision has nothing to do with complaints that its latest issue contained images seen as anti-Semitic.
Israeli university students were denied permission to demonstrate in a city that is overwhelmingly haredi Orthodox.
Israel reportedly postponed a strategic dialogue with Britain to protest a law that allows for the prosecution of Israeli officials for alleged war crimes.
Irene Gladys "Rene" Wisch, the co-founder with her late husband of the Texas Jewish Post, has died.