Make an effort. Make a difference! Circulate Far and Wide. Extremely important clip. Please share it anywhere and everywhere across the net. Our only hope to stop the heist will come from greater awareness. PLEASE! Just email it to 1 person. Please, please, please!!! It takes just 15 seconds, but it makes a tremendous difference. THANK YOU! --- WHO IS KEEPING TRACK OF THE TRILLIONS? If you're pressed for time, start watching at the 3-minute mark. Alan Grayson questions Elizabeth Coleman, Inspector General of the Federal Reserve. Editor's Note: Until the day Bernanke is indicted for crimes against humanity, all we can do is create awareness. The most effective strategy is an email campaign. Keep the campaign going. Imagine the power of everyone, every single one of you, sending it to just 2 people. More than 2.5 million people have seen this clip on this site. All because of your efforts. We believe that this the most important video we've ever published - out of more than 10,000. Thank you! Ben Bernanke, in a happier moment.« There Are No Words To Describe The Following Part II »
Monday, 1 November 2010
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Britannia Radio