White House Insider: “They were in shock at the president’s behavior.”
If even part of this expose is true ,we are in more trouble than even our worst fears to date: See link to part 2 of this interview Here and at the bottom of this article: Yamit
Our latest interview with the White House Insider reveals a Democratic Party civil war, with growing opposition to the Obama White House.
Author’s Note: This interview took place for nearly two hours over the weekend at the office of the White House Insider. We wish to extend our gratitude for their making time to meet with us despite an extremely demanding schedule. The information contained in this interview is among the most in depth and fascinating to date, and due to the extent of information, will come in two installments. Here is installment one:
Thank you again for making time to meet with me. Oh, I should be apologizing to you on having to cancel last time. The campaign work is proving to be a larger task than I originally signed on for, but I can’t complain. As I told you in the email, I’m very...
Are U.S. Officials Understanding and Responding to Middle East Crises? Ya Think?
The Sate Department wants Israel to disappear. That explains everything. T Belman
If you’ve lost faith in the current administration’s ability and mass media’s ability to respond to Middle East developments, here’s more evidence. There’s a relatively new American idiomatic expression, “Ya think?” Said sarcastically, it means: Wow, duh, the answer to that question is really obvious!
So consider how hidden, obscure stories are being dug out by policymakers and top media. The New York Times reports that the U.S. government is “increasingly alarmed by unrest in Lebanon, whose own fragile peace is being threatened by militant opponents of a politically charged investigation into the killing in 2005 of a former Lebanese leader.”
Ya think? Lebanon has been taken over (or recaptured, if you wish) by the Iran-Syria anti-American, revolutionary Islamist, terrorist-sponsoring axis, operating...
Listen to American Jews’ stand on Israel
Examining the views of American Jews toward Israel is crucial in light of both the U.S. midterm elections and the Jewish Agency reform program initiated by Natan Sharansky.
Where do American Jews stand on Israel and how are these positions linked to their attitude toward the American administration? Examining this issue is crucial in light of both the U.S. midterm elections and the reform program for the Jewish Agency initiated by Chairman Natan Sharansky.
First, it must be recognized that American Jewry is not a homogenous community. There is a core, which includes those who emphatically identify as members of the Jewish faith and nation, but the number of Jews who have completely integrated into American society and who stand on the fringes of the Jewish nation is growing. Half of American Jews define themselves as ethnic Jews, and not Jews by faith. These two facts have great meaning for the positions of Jews in general, and specifically regarding Israel.
Normalize, not assimilate
I am posting this essay in part as a reply to Narvey and Mer. Comments#18 #20 Yamit
To be normal, a person must be like others. When Jews lived isolated in their own communities, they were normal: each Jew was culturally like the rest. In the nineteenth century, superficial liberalism opened the outside world to Jews. The Gentiles still despised the Jews but called us their equals. Jews saw the world and its opportunities, and realized that they were not normal,not like others. The nineteenth-century German discussion of Jews is instructive: liberals countered anti-semites by asserting that Jews could eventually become like other Germans. They did not imagine that Jews were decent people in their own right. German Jews accepted that attitude and rushed to assimilate.
It’s hard, very hard to be different. The Jews wanted to be normal. Israel offers us a chance to normalize without Gentile-izing, to be like our neighbors, yet unlike the world that eats dogs and...
Muslim Brotherhood has embedded itself solidly in America
This clearly shows what we face a hostile world filled with sweet talking peaceful Muslims who are dedicating their attention to eradicating Israel by whatever means available
Busted – Orlando Mosque Finances Hamas Fundraiser
Click here to view the embedded video.
Although this was documented for South Florida, be aware that the same is occurring all over the USA .
More evidence that Obama is a Saudi Muslim plant in the White House
The Liberal Political Agenda Discourages a Strong Israel
By Matthew M. Hausman
The recent conference of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (“CAMERA”) provided a glimpse into the subtle ideological struggle for control of the Jewish political spirit and its place in the world of Israel advocacy. Those who believe that the merit of the Jewish State stems from her liberal political character were well represented by Professor Alan Dershowitz, who spoke eloquently about the hypocrisy of media coverage of Israel and the disproportionate criticism of her right to defend herself. In contrast, those who endorse Israel simply because she represents the historical expression of Jewish nationalism in the ancestral homeland – irrespective of the transient political values of her popular culture – were better represented by Melanie Phillips. The friction between the two positions was apparent during a spirited Q and A session after Ms. Phillips’ remarks.
In his keynote speech early in the program, Professor...
Obama has destroyed the Democratic Party
By Ted Belman (h/t SarahSue)
Come 2012 there is going to be enormous fallout from the battle Obama and his thugs waged against the the Clinton machine. Hillary’s supporters are inching to get even. Not because they lost in a fair fight but because of the voter fraud and intimidation that her campaign and supporters were subjected to. One of her greatest supporters were the boys at HIllbuzz who are now anabashedly supporting Sarah Palin.
They have just posted a letter to Rush Limbaugh on the Democrat Civil War Already In Progress
I don’t think even you understand just how much damage Obama has done to the Democrat Party — to the point where formerly lifelong Democrats like myself, and everyone here at HillBuzz.org, are actively working to expose the party and literally burn it to the ground for the good of the country.
None of this is being reported in the media, but a Civil War in the Democrat ranks has been raging since May 31st, 2008…a date every Hillary...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel