Thursday, 16 December 2010

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Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends


Item #1

The Goals of A Biblically Based Church Youth Group Versus The Goals of Most Modern, Man-Centered Church Youth Groups
By Brannon Howse

Agenda: Grinding America Down (If you appreciated the book by Brannon Howse, Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews That Rule America From the Grave then you will want to watch this 2 hour documentary that is a perfect companion to this book) When Idaho Legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a "letter to the editor" about the drastic changes in America's culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the Capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then... he'd hit on something. Ask almost anyone and you'll hear, "Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down." Thought the word communism isn't used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well. Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It's a well documented AGENDA.

To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:

Liberal Justice Breyer Trying to Change Constitution Warning: Muni Bond Chaos Imminent
Nouriel Roubini sees ‘the roots of the next crisis in the current one’ Soros-Funded Group’s Political Director Calls for Subversive Activity During Christmas Masses
Witch-Hunt: Catholics4Equality debuts app to “report hostile activity” from the pew! Complete interview with Abigail Seidman - abortion and the occult
Jim Rogers: Fed understates inflation A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives

Item #2

Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse
Topic One: The difference between pantheism and panentheism. Topic Two: How Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren and Jerry Haselmayer promote panentheism. Topic Three: Macrus Borg and in his book "The Heart of Christianity" promotes panentheism and this book is recommended by Rob Bell in his book, "Velvet Elvis". Topic Four: How does the panentheism of the Emergent Church compare to the New Age teachings of Alice Bailey and her demon? Topic Five: Examples of Rick Warren promoting panentheism and examples of Rick Warren promoting Henri Nouwen who promotes panentheism. Topic Six: How does panentheism unite all false religions and lay the foundation for a one-world religion? Topic Seven: Numerous verses that refute panentheism. Topic Eight: We take your calls.

Brannon Howse Interviews Egyptian-born Usama Dakdok

Two DVDs featuring the three, one hour interviews that were broadcast on the prime-time, national television program, The Worldview Weekend Hour with Brannon Howse

Sample presentations at:
The Worldview War of Islam

Item #3

John McTernan on Israel, North Korea, America's Weather, Sharia Law and Much More
By John McTernan
America is on the brink of an all-out war with North Korea with the possibility of China being drawn in and the Democrats along with the Hard Left in the military want to sodomize it! The Hard Left is a very destructive force. It has destroyed the US economy as the government is $15 trillion plus in debt and growing a trillion a year! They are determined to destroy marriage and their policy has allowed 50+ million babies to be killed by abortion. The list goes on and on. Their final destruction is the military. They are determined to destroy it at all costs.

Spiritual deception is quickly setting the stage for a one-world religion and a one-world leader. Jesus Himself warned us that "many will come in My name saying 'I am the Christ' and will deceive many." The spiritual deception that Jesus warned about is here and many are being taken spiritual prisoners. Jesus tells us in Mathew 7:13-23 this spiritual deception will be sign that we are in the last days. Jesus tells us that false teachers will look like Christians, and talk like Christians but they will be wolves in sheep's clothing.

Brannon will take us to an abundance of Scripture so we can clearly understand why so many people, including self-professed Christians, are not seeing the spiritual deception that is all around us. How can we recognize spiritual deception so we can protect ourselves as well as friends and family? How will the last days deception be disguised? How do we recognize a false teacher, prophet, or anti-Christ? Are Christians to expose false teachers publically or not? What is Biblical truth? What are six characteristics of a false teacher?

What does spiritual nationalism look like? When Christians put the state, public policy, the economy, and politics and ecumenicalism above obedience to the Bible and the exclusivity of Jesus Christ you get patriotic ecumenicalism. Brannon draws on history to reveal that what has happen before what can happen in America. The "German Christians" betrayed the Gospel of Jesus Christ for unity, materialism, national pride, and the return of stability and promise of the good life. The "Germany Christians" mocked Dietrich Bonheoffer and Martin Niemoller for starting the "Confessing Church" to oppose paganism and ecumenicalism. The "Germany Christians" became so immersed in spiritual deception that they merged their religious denominations under the Reich Bishop that was hand-picked by Hitler.

Many self-described Christians will knowingly, or unknowingly, compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ in favor of ecumenicalism and pagan spirituality if it will help save America, their freedoms, and their comfortable life-style. Our decision is whether we will chose to follow the last days deception or Biblical truth even in the face of ridicule by self-professed Christians.
Last Days Deception or Biblical Truth

Item #4

Thanks to International Aid, Gaza Is Going To Be A Well-Off Islamist Republic
By Barry Rubin
The Gaza Strip is doing really well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to go on forever. It's raking in the aid money but every dollar and every project is shaped to ensure that Hamas remains in power, can return to violence in future and...wreck everything again. "There are a slew of products here, and beautiful restaurants. Is this the Gaza we have been hearing about?" asked a Sudanese official arriving there, as quoted by the Palestinian news agency Maan. "Where is the siege? I don't see it in Gaza. I wish Sudan's residents could live under the conditions of the Gazan siege."

Brand New: Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing #4 DVD
Normal Price: $19.99
Special Price: $14.99

The Bank for International Settlements, Global Governance and a One-World Economy Part One and Part Two (totaling one hour)

In 1930, A New York Times article quoting Rep. Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency said, "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is eager to enter into a close relationship with the Bank for International Settlements…The conclusion is impossible to escape that the State and Treasury Departments are willing to pool the banking systems of Europe and America, setting up a world financial power independent of and above the Government of the United States…" In November of 2008, in the final weeks of his Presidency, George W. Bush put America's economy under supervision of the International Monetary Fund which was started by John Maynard Kenyes. The goal of redistributing the wealth of the industrialized nations to third world countries is to facilitate all nations entering into a one world economy. Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank in a speech on April 26, 2010 laid that global governance would be implemented through the G-20 leaders, secondly, the central bankers of the industrialized nations with their regular meetings at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland and finally including any of the emerging world economies as members of the the Financial Stability Board which is made up of the members of the G-20 and European Union. Author and Professor Carroll Quigley mentored Bill Clinton and wrote the book Tragedy and Hope. In this book Quigley told us how global governance would come into being and how politicians would be financially purchased and nations would be financially victimized in to complying with the new economic world order. Quigley wrote, "The power of financial capitalism had another far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence The level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in the business world."

United Nations' Curriculum in America's Schools (totaling one hour)

Nearly 1,100 schools in America are using your tax dollars to teach a United Nation's curriculum titled "International Baccalaureate". This curriculum has the stated goal of teaching for "global citizenship." The curriculum promotes global values and beliefs, anti-Americanism, social justice, redistribution of wealth, sustainable development, radical environmentalism, and the need for a strong United Nations and much more.
Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing #4 DVD

Item #5

Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
In this hour, a “best-of” repeat from 2007, Jan Markell talks with author Randy Alcorn about his well-loved book, Heaven. It’s an unfortunate reality that the vast majority of Christians know little about the truth of their eternal Home. What will we do forever? Is it going to be ceaseless floating on puffy white clouds strumming harps? How old will we be? What will our bodies be like? Will our pets come with us? Jan and Randy present an uplifting hour, garnering anticipation for our eternal Home.

All Three Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefings for only $24.95. Normally retail price $60.00

Topics include:

Four Stages For Transforming a Nation Into Socialism
10 Biblical Hallmarks That Reveal A True Follower of Christ or an Imposter
Why The Rise of Pagan Spirituality in The Church, Culture, and Military and How Should You Respond?
America's Founding Fathers Warned That This is How America Could Fall And We Did Not Listen
Did the Founding Fathers Violate New Testament Principles When They Founded America?
Global Governance: The Bible Predicted It and the News Is Reporting It (18:22)
Exposing America's Third Way to Welfare-State Capitalism and the Social Justice of the Religious Left (29:49)
The Reasons and Evidence God is Judging America (25:34)
How Have the Communist Been Successful in Implementing Their Worldview in America? (38:47)
25 Lessons America Should Have Learned From Nazi Germany part one (30 minutes)
25 Lessons America Should Have Learned From Nazi Germany part two (30 minutes)
Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing DVD Set

Item #6

Mideast Prophecy Update 2010-2011 (Part 1)
By Bill Salhus
As the door shuts on 2010, American led Middle East peace efforts have officially unraveled. The Obama administration has backed away for now from pressuring Israel into extending its moratorium on settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In the absence of peace we are reminded Israel, which equipped its citizens earlier this year with gas masks, remains war ready as 2011 approaches.

Dear friends of Worldview Weekend,

It has been my privilege to speak in over 35 cities the last two years with Brannon Howse. The impact of the Worldview Weekends in thousands of lives across this country not only affects individuals and families, but also our Nation. What Brannon does is even more amazing since he does it on a "shoe string" financially. With his office and radio/tv studio at home, he works without renting office space or paying a secretary. He handles most of the workload with his dedicated wife and family. The sacrifices they make are because of their love and passion to see America and the Church stay true to their heritage and purpose. The potential impact of this ministry for the good of our country is only limited by financial resources. With so many crucial issues facing America and the church, let me encourage you to partner with Worldview Weekends by a generous financial investment. Your gift to the Worldview Weekend Foundation will reap not only results now for our country, but eterna l dividends in the lives of thousands of families and individuals. Please click here to make your tax deductible contribution right now:

Dr. Ron Carlson, President
Christian Ministries International

Item #7

Low-life's and Public Restrooms
By Ray Comfort
Now and then I take a few moments to check out different atheist sites to see what is being said about me. I don't go there much because everything is pretty nasty, and reminds me of the low-life language on the wall of a public restroom in a bad part of town.

This package includes the Grave Influence book and DVD by Brannon Howse: Normal Price: $23 but special discount price is $20.00
Grave Influence book and DVD #1

The Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card
is the perfect Christmas gift!

Item #8

Look Who Made the Hate List
By Peter Jones
Since the 1960s, the Southern Poverty Law Center has served as a self-appointed watchdog to track hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Nation. Though its efforts have doubtless been helpful in certain areas, the SPLC's recent (November 24, 2010) list now includes as "hate groups" thirteen upstanding Christian organizations, accused of propagating "known falsehoods" about gays and lesbians. I find it difficult to believe that groups such as the American Family Association or the Family Research Council are guilty of "repeated or groundless name-calling." In theory, the SPLC does not put a Christian organization on the list simply for believing that homosexuality is unbiblical. However, other Christian groups may soon graduate to the "hate" list, since they are now rated as emitting "anti-gay rhetoric." Indeed, "anti-gay" defines the category that qualifies such groups for listing.

Brannon Howse Worldview Library
6 Books, 9 DVDs (16 Presentations)
Only $49.95!
Normal retail price: $169
Brannon Howse Worldview Library

Item #9

Cuccinelli Beats Post in Battle Over ObamaCare
By Cliff Kincaid
Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post notes that the decision by a federal judge in Virginia that a provision of President Obama's health care law is unconstitutional "thrusts state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli into the national spotlight" because he was vindicated by the ruling.

Over 600 Hours of Worldview Weekend Keynote Presentations and Worldview Matters Episodes plus a free pass to the Worldview Weekend Online Training Course. If you paid $5 for each recording the cost would be $3,000 but you can join the Worldview Weekend Situation Room for only $59.95. Click here to see our entire mp3 library. You can load to your ipod, listen online or burn a CD.
Worldview Weekend's Situation Room

Item #10

Who's Lying?
By James Quinn
Have you noticed the latest sound bites coming from the punditry in the corporate mainstream media? Here is the latest wisdom flowing from the lying mouthpieces of the ruling oligarchy (Wall Street, Washington DC, Mega-corporations):

The Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card is an electronic gift card that you print after purchase, and it can be used for any purchase in the Worldview Weekend Store.

The Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card is the perfect Christmas gift!
Worldview Weekend E-Gift Card