Saturday, 11 December 2010

December 10, 2010

The international lynch mob is building a head of steam

By Ted Belman

Haaretz published an article today which they have summarized as follows,

26 former top EU officials, including ex EU chief Solana and former German President Richard von Weizsacker, urge world powers to confront Jerusalem over its refusal to obey international law.

This is what they want.

They also propose that the EU announce that it will not accept any unilateral changes to the 1967 border that Israel carried out against international law, and that the Palestinian state would cover an area the same size as the area occupied in 1967. This would also include the establishment of a capital in East Jerusalem.

The leaders recommend that the EU support only minor land swaps on which the two sides agree.

The only trouble is, Israel is not in contravention of international law. Furthermore there is no such thing as “1967 borders”. This line is only an armistice line agreed to in 1949, which agreement specifically said that the line was not a border.

As per usual, the international bodies distort international law and use it as a club on Israel without regard for the actual law.

Ultimately this will end up in the UN Security Council and Israel will have to rely on the veto of the US. Even if the US doesn’t veto a Chapter VI resolution [NB This will be the Obama Administration’s big test as to how much it supports a sovereign Jewish State existing within secure and recognized – by the Arab states, including a second or third “Palestinian” state – borders] recognizing such borders, nothing will happen unless they are asked to approve a Chapter VII resolution approving sanctions or military force. Of coarse there is nothing to stop the nations of the world agreeing to sanctions among themselves or war for that matter.

Israel has a better chance to survive resisting this pressure, no matter what, then to cave into it.

Remember there is no downside to refusing as the Europeans and Latin Americans are demanding the samething as the Palestinians. So we can’t be worse off by refusing. To get our agreement, they must compromise.