Saturday, 11 December 2010

Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...

Don't let the government fix THEIR fiscal fiasco with YOUR retirement savings!
Congratulations! You've done everything right in life. You played by the rules. Got a good job. Scrimped and saved for your retirement. Every year, you maxed out your 401(k) and IRA contributions -- even though there were times when it wasn't easy. But now that you're ready to sit back and reap the rewards of a lifetime of hard work, the government has a nasty surprise for you...

Become a worry-free millionaire in less than 3 years
Start using the miracle compounding strategy that turned $10,000 into $81,191 in just 44 weeks and can turn YOU into a stock market millionaire by 2013. I will show you how to get to retirement in 3 years - not 30 or 40.

The one asset class with 18.5% annualized gains
Ever heard of the A.O.P.? Over the last decade, this one asset class has beaten out REITs, Utilities, the S&P 500, the DJIA, even gold. In fact, the A.O.P. has outperformed practically every asset class on the market with average, annualized returns of 18.5%. As A.O.P. recipient Rick H. of Hingham, Mass. says, it seems "too good to be true."

The day in 2011 that will change your life – overnight
Economic prognosticator Porter Stansberry is making his biggest prediction yet. This has nothing to do with the stock market... but these events could change your life in a dramatic way, literally overnight. Warning: This video contains controversial material, and may be offensive to some audiences.

Who ever heard of burning cancer out of your body?
You’ll be amazed by these simple but powerful health solutions: A simple cure for heart disease that could eliminate the need for bypass surgery... An amazing breakthrough that can make you look and feel up to 20 years younger... A way to eliminate your "emotional" cravings for food. But read on because the craziest part is where our health research team found them...


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux