Stealth Education in America
If your family suddenly watched a stranger enter the house with a manual of new rules describing how a family should be run, everyone would notice. Well, for at least a century, the federal government has been expanding its power and control over the lives of citizens. With each quantum leap, stories and reasons and excuses have been invented to justify this fungal growth. Only a brain-dead observer would fail to recognize that federal government has vastly exceeded its constitutional limits......
by Jon Rappoport
Media Matters is for (Gay) Lovers
The Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, was also enthusiastic about Equality Matters, saying, “We have gone way too long without a coherent and immediate response to the often false and derogatory messages about the gay community, and what they call our agenda, from the likes of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.”.......
by Cliff Kincaid
Passage of START, Betrayal and Danger to America
As predicted the ship of fools have passed the dangerous and Un-American START treaty on Dec 21st 2010. Just in time for Christmas cheer. I am still throwing up my Wassail as I contemplate what they have done. The main guts of this Treaty is that Russia and the US have agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenals to fewer than 1,550 warheads in seven years time. As it is now we have 1,950 deployed strategic warheads and 798 launchers. Russia has 2,540 deployed strategic warheads and 574 launchers...
by Laurie Roth
Forbidden Gates, Part 26
Earlier in this series, we pointed out how the English theologian George Hawkins Pember, in his 1876 masterpiece, Earth’s Earliest Ages, studied the book of Matthew—where Jesus in answering His disciples concerning the signs of His coming and of the end of the world said it would be “as the days of Noah were”—and concluded from it that the most fearful sign of the end times would be the reappearance upon earth “of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the....”.....
by Tom Horn