Friday, 31 December 2010


How Wretched is The Guardian

Laura: The Guardian once again exposes its moral depravity. If not granting recognition to a “palestinian” terror state makes America a rogue nation which stands out and apart from the rest of the world, then I’m proud to be considered a “rogue”. The fact that 80%-90% of the world recognizes “palestine” does not confer legitimacy upon such an entity. There are people who have far greater claims to statehood than the so-called “palestinians”, such as the Kurds based on being a people with a distinct ethnic, culture and language. Yet the world isn’t clamoring for the creation of Kurdistan. A combination of dependency on Arab oil, fear of islamic terrorism and yes of course anti-Semitism is the reason “palestine” has worldwide support. There is no historical, ethnic or religious justification for such a state. As to the notion of recognizing “palestine”...

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Palestinians Draft UN Resolution Against Israeli Settlements


Calls for a freeze on Jewish construction in disputed Territories – while Arab construction, which far exceeds Jewish development, continues unfettered – are clearly biased.

Arabs claim that Jewish settlements “change the status” of the Territories and represent a distortion of the Oslo Accords. The phrase applies to acts that change the political status of the disputed territory – such as outright Israeli annexation or a Palestinian declaration of statehood. Since Jewish settlements are legal, any halt in construction should be reciprocated.

The Oslo Accords do not forbid Israeli or Arab settlement activity. Charges that further Jewish settlement activity preempts final negotiations by establishing realities, requires reciprocity. If the West Bank and Gaza were de jure part of the British Mandate, and if the Mandate borders are the last legal document concerning this territory; and if Jews were forcibly expelled from...

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The Threat to Israeli Democracy

by Daniel Greenfield

Haven’t you heard, Israeli democracy is in danger. That’s the latest media talking point on Israel. And where is the threat to Israeli democracy coming from? From its democracy.

Who’s Afraid of Israeli Democracy?

Haven’t you heard, Israeli democracy is in danger. That’s the latest media talking point on Israel. And where is the threat to Israeli democracy coming from? From its democracy.

Confused? That’s probably because you think that the word ‘democracy’ has something to do with the popular vote and the right of every person, irrespective of their religion, country of origin or accent to vote for the party of their choice – as misguided as the vote may be in some eyes. However, it actually means- the right of media pundits, academics and elitist judges to dictate how the country is run based on the values of a entitled upper class scrambling to hold on to power.

Out of their concern for Israeli...

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Huge Gas Field Confirmed Off Haifa Shore

If Israel discovers a major oil find will the nations of the world love us? Probably not! Yamit

Leviathan as big as estimated
Natural gas reserves in the Leviathan structure total 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Noble Energy CEO Davidson: Leviathan is easily the largest exploration discovery in our history.

Israel’s GDP grows 4.5%
Growth in 2010 was well above the OECD average.
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The natural gas reserves in the Leviathan structure total 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, based on preliminary results of the production tests received in the past few days. This is the amount estimated from the 3D seismic survey. The quantity is double the gas reserves at Tamar.

The results have been reported by Noble Energy Inc. (NYSE: NBL), which owns 39.66% of the prospect.

According to Noble Energy, “The well encountered a minimum of 220 feet (67 meters) of net natural gas pay in several subsalt Miocene intervals. Apparent reservoir quality is very good, and...

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George Bathurst-Norman Justifies Vigilantism in United Kingdom

Judge George Bathurst-Norman sets precedent: Britons can now take the law into their own hands
by Bill Levinson

Vigilantism is an unpleasant but reasonable and necessary reaction to the absence of rule of law. George Bathurst-Norman’s instruction to a jury that felony criminal mischief is acceptable has set the precedent that Britons should now consider themselves free to take the law into their own hands, especially when dealing with militant “Muslims” who say openly that they mean to destroy England, make their own laws under Sharia, or force England to adopt Sharia law.

If it is all right to vandalize a factory and cause more than 180,000 pounds (upward of $275,000) in damage, it is equally acceptable for groups well to the right of the British National Party (BNP) and English Defense League (EDL) to do this to Smash EDO’s admitted vandals and those like them. (Imagine the Clockwork Orange droogs, yobs, soccer hooligans, or whatever doing this to militant...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel