Saturday, 4 December 2010

The Most Dangerous Administration in America’s History

Laura: There is strong speculation that the WikiLeaks document dump could not have occurred without assistance from high up. These leaks have done irreparable damage to American credibility, no ally will ever trust us again. More and more I believe obama was placed in the White House by nefarious forces out to destroy America for good. There is also speculation that White House political operatives had this done in order to damage Hillary Clinton and stop her from presenting a primary challenge to Obama in 2012. Whether done to deliberately destroy American power and prestige or for the purpose of damaging a potential opponent in 2012 and therefore maintain his own political power, Barack Hussein Obama is the most diabolically dangerous man to ever sit in the Oval office.

WIKILEAKS: Impeachable

Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs

The buck stops at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I received this most interesting message from an Atlas reader. While I am not sure of...

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Hanukkah for Dhimmis Dummies

by Bill Levinson

Hanukkah is often called “the Jewish Christmas” because it takes place at about the same time of year. There is in fact a very strong connection between the two holidays; had it not been for the events that Hanukkah commemorates, there would be no Christmas. Hanukkah is about standing up to those who menace one’s home, family, or way of life as opposed to singing Kumbaya with them.

We have often pointed out that science fiction and fantasy societies are based on real human societies, and the one in Battlestar Galactica is no exception. We suspect that it is an alternate history in which Michael Lerner of and Eric Yoffie of the United “American” “Hebrew” Congregations (now the Union for “Reform Judaism”) were in charge of the Jewish people when the Greeks demanded that the Jews worship the Greek idols. As stated by Yoffie at the Million Mom March rally in 2000,

    We’re going to find out...

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WikiLeaks cables tell the story of an empire in decline

President Obama emerges from the WikiLeaks cables as a weak leader, whose good intentions dissipate in the face of the stubbornness of his Middle Eastern counterparts.

U.S. President Barack Obama delivering remarks in Ohio on September 8, 2010.
Photo by: AP

By Aluf Benn

Beyond the gossip, the indiscretions and the petty lies, the cables released by WikiLeaks tell a sad story. They depict the fall of the American empire, the decline of a superpower that ruled the world by dint of its military and economic supremacy. President Barack Obama emerges from the cables as a weak, flimsy leader, whose good intentions and lofty visions dissipate like dust in the wind in the face of the conservatism and stubbornness of his Middle Eastern counterparts.

The days when American ambassadors were received in world capitals as “high commissioners” are long since gone. The diplomats who wrote the WikiLeaks documents are tired bureaucrats: Nobody rises in their honor and clicks...

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WikiLeaks: Israel warned U.S. not to arm Arab states against Iran

Netanyahu is quoted as warning that should Iran get the bomb, Arab powers could shift loyalties from Washington to Tehran.
By Reuters

Israel’s lobbying to get better American weaponry than U.S.-aligned Arab powers has been complicated by their shared hostility toward Iran, leaked diplomatic cables show.

WikiLeaks disclosures from July 2009 document Israeli and U.S. defense delegates debating the merits of arming Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arab states given doubts over whether Iran can be denied the means for developing nuclear weaponry.

Hearing the Israelis’ objections to the planned sale of F-15 fighters and missiles to the Saudis, State Department official Andrew Shapiro argues for “a commonality of interests with the Gulf States, which also view Iran as the preeminent threat.”

“We should take advantage of this commonality,” he says.

Shapiro’s line appears supported elsewhere in the Wikileaks trove, which includes an account of Saudi...

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WikiLeaks Backfires on Anti-Israel Crowd

Laura: Only the western left is obsessed with the “palestinians” and Jewish “settlements” while Arab regimes actually couldn’t care less. Contrary to leftist and Obama administration claims, the Israeli-”palestinian” conflict, which in any case is code for blaming everything on Israel, has not been an obstacle in garnering the support of Arab regimes for stopping Iranian nukes. Quite the contrary in that Arab countries have been far more frantically pleading with America to bomb Iran than Israel has. The WikiLeaks revelations have backfired on the anti-Israel crowd, big time.

A lethal leak — or a boomerang?

Melanie Phillips, Spectator

Remember all those stories which were so prominent in the media coverage of wars between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah/ Hamas, that Israel committed war crimes by targeting for missile strikes ambulances carrying the wounded? Remember Israel’s answer, that the Red Crescent ambulances...

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Shocking!…”It’s All Rigged”

IT’S ALL RIGGED!!! Michael Bennett Caught On Hot Mic On Senate Floor

Click here to view the embedded video.

Egyptian Security Forces Kill Coptic Christians

Laura: I’ll be waiting for the UN security council to hold an emergency meeting and to declare Egypt guilty of war crimes, as well as statements from the EU and obama administration expressing their outrage over the human rights atrocities against the Coptic Christians of Egypt. You think this will merit a 45 minute harangue over the phone from Hillary Clinton to Mubarak? Or for various administration officials to state publicly how offended they are by the actions of the Egyptian government?

Egyptian Security Fires Live Ammunition on Christians, 4 Killed

Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs

Muslim supremacists must stop killing non-Muslims (and moderates). This is not complicated. We don’t need imam Rauf to explain the nuances of genocide. Good people of the world have got to take a stand. Where is the worldwide rage? Where is the outcry?

Egyptian Security Used Live Ammunition on Christian Coptic Protesters, 4 Killed AINA News Org.

(AINA) — Christian Copts worldwide were...

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Down With Hanukah

Tonight is the first night of the Jewish holiday Hanukkah, Chanukah.
Chag Chanukah Samayach. Happy Chanukah Holiday. Yamit

Only part of the story was the Maccabees fight for getting the Greeks out of Israel, and the cleansing and dedication of the Temple. The Chanukah Story was also about a civil war amongst the Jews. Judah and the boys were fighting other Jews who had turned away from their faith by combining it with Greek/Hellenistic practices. The resulting assimilation caused a loss of Jewish faith and tradition, and finally laws against practicing Jewish ritual. Chanukah is a holiday about Jews fighting against assimilation, but the ACLU-types would have us celebrate it by assimilating.

by rabbi Meir Kahane H”YD

If I were a Reform rabbi; if I were a leader of the Establishment whose money and prestige have succeeded in capturing for him the leadership and voice of American Jewry; if I were one of the members of the Israeli Government’s ruling group; if I were an...

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Happy Chanukah

Chanukah 2010 Guide for the Perplexed
Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative”

December 1, 2010

1. George Washington first learned of Chanukkah while at Valley
Forge, Pennsylvania, 1778: “Perhaps we are not as lost as our enemies
would have us believe. I rejoice in the Maccabees’ success, though it
is long past…It pleases me to think that miracles still happen.”

2. “In God We Trust” was inspired, also, by the Maccabees’ battle
cry, which adopted Moses’ battle cry against the builders of the
Golden Calf. A literal translation of Moses’ battle cry is “Whoever
trusts G-D; join me!”

3. The Maccabees’ sacrifice and political-incorrectness inspired
Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” and New Hampshire’s
“Live Free or Die.” The Maccabees followed in the footsteps of
Abraham, Phineas the High Priest, Joshua & Calev,...

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Fire or a Massacre? Israeli Media Downplays Arson Suspicion

According to an unconfirmed report on, Radio Haifa reported that Arabs have been dancing in the streets of Furadis, just south of Haifa, in celebration of the deadly fire. There is no doubt in my mind that Arabs set the fire. This is terrorism and should be treated as such. The Arabs want their desert back. I say they must go!! Yamit

Israel’s deadliest fire leaves 40 dead

Blaze breaks out in Carmel, forcing authorities to evacuate Damon Prison, Beit Oren near Haifa. Bus carrying some 50 passengers catches fire. Magen David Adom says 40 prison guards killed Read More

by Gil Ronen

The fire in the Carmel Mountains may turn out to be the worst terror act in Israel’s history, but major news outlets appear resolute in their will to ignore this fact and its implications.

Israel’s major news media, controlled by the Left, are on the whole treating the fire as a “disaster,” spending most of their broadcast time discussing the insufficient...

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D I S A S T E R – 40 dead – near Haifa


“We lost all control of the fire,” said the Haifa firefighting services spokesman on Thursday. “There aren’t enough firefighting resources in Israel in order to put out the fire,” he said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hurried to the scene of the fire on Thursday evening in order to get updates regarding efforts to control the fire.

The 40 individuals who died were students in the Prison Service’s prison guard course who were being brought to the Damon Prison to aid in evacuating the prisoners there.

According to an initial investigation of the events, a tree fell down in the middle of the road the bus was taking, trapping the bus between the flames. As a result, 40 of the 50 prison guards who were on the bus died from the flames. Seven individuals were evacuated from the scene in serious condition and transferred to Haifa hospitals.

Head of the Haifa Police Department, Deputy Commander Ahuva Tomer was critically injured as a...

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One paperclip at a time


Children at a small Tennessee school find a unique way to honor Holocaust victims.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Whitwell is a rural Tennessee town northwest of Chattanooga. Once dependent on coal mining, the local economy crashed some 30 years ago. But the future looks bright for Whitwell because of its children, who for the past decade have been making their mark through a truly unique project that aims to teach the world a powerful lesson – one paperclip at a time.

Their story is captured in the award-winning documentary Paper Clips, produced in association with Miramax Films.

The town, with a population of 1,600 people, boasts little diversity, with its school having only one Hispanic student and five African Americans. But in 1998, Whitwell Middle School set out to learn about intolerance by studying the Holocaust through a simple afterschool project.

After learning that Hitler killed six million Jews, a...

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Sharia and Obama’s Foreign Policy


A Christian woman who gave water to Muslim fieldworkers was accused by the women of blaspheming Muhammed. The women refused the water, claiming it was unclean because a Christian carried it. Asia Bibi, a mother of five, merely explained her faith. For that, she has been in prison for over fifteen months and has been sentenced to be hanged, according to The Telegraph.

Pakistan outlaws blasphemy against Islam. It is punishable by death. Religious minorities are targeted for accusations, and while most are acquitted, they are oftentimes killed by mobs.

Last week, the U.N. again voted for a resolution against “defamation of religions” or “vilification of religions” as a violation of human rights. It’s been called a global anti-blasphemy law, and it changes the concept of human rights from protecting people from persecution to condemning criticism of (a particular) religion. This nonbinding resolution,...

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Chanukah Reminder – Abbas’ Term has Expired

by Maayana Miskin

Members of Knesset have received a Chanukah gift that combines holiday greetings with a friendly reminder that Mahmoud Abbas is no longer the chairman of the Palestinian Authority.

Click here to view the embedded video.

The gift, sent by Mattot Arim (Cities of Israel) and the Samaria Regional Council, consists of a printed copy of the blessing recited after meals (Birkat Hamazon) and the blessings that are said over Chanukah candles. It bears the words “Long live Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel.”

“Funny, isn’t it?” says an attached note. “Olmert isn’t Prime Minister anymore – his term expired a long time ago. And that was it. Did you know that Abu Mazen’s [Abbas'] term expired a long time ago too?”

The activists were referring to the fact that Abbas was elected to serve as PA Chairman for four years, beginning in early 2005. His term ended in 2009; however, since then, he has repeatedly postponed elections.

Abbas and his...

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WikiLeaks Exposes White House’s Conscious Support of Islamists

This article reaffirms my thesis in The Unholy US/Muslim Alliance which went viral. Belman


The fact that the latest installment of WikiLeaks coincided with the Egyptian parliamentary elections is unfortunate timing for the U.S. It provides an unflattering portrait of a White House that sides with Islamists both in and out of power around the world.

Though it was to be expected — in the spirit of “free and fair” elections — that the White House would say it was “disappointed” that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak shut out the Muslim Brotherhood from the electoral process, how will President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton explain their purposeful strengthening of ties with other Islamists who fund terrorism and undermine U.S. policy in the Middle East and Southeast Asia?

Take, for example, the Obama administration’s infusion of goodwill into our relationship with Turkey. Here is how EurasiaNet...

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If this doesn’t get the US out of the UN, what will?

Anne Bayefsky’s “Eye on the UN.”

Before leaving the subject of the UN, I want to share one more video — this from

As Bayefsky explains:

“The Obama administration joined the UN Human Rights Council in one of its first foreign policy moves. As justification for what it labeled “principled engagement and strategic multilateralism,” top administration officials pointed to the Council’s new Universal Periodic Review (UPR) system. They called the UPR a “good mechanism” (Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State) and an “important change (Koh, State Department Legal Advisor).

“On Friday, November 5, 2010, senior American representatives went to Geneva to participate in the first UPR-review by the Council of the human rights record of the United States.”

Be forewarned: when you see this it may make you sick to your stomach. Sick, because of the obscenity of UN behavior, but also because of the groveling...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel