Friday, 3 December 2010

This has come about because a dear friend that lives on her own and can hardly get about-has been ill and not been out of the house for 14 weeks until I took her out for the first time last week, has now been told the "carer" she had had for some time would not be coming again because my friend "no longer fitted the Criteria".

Anne heath


Not in the England of the LibDemCons.

Do not bother to get old in England,

Or expect Councils to help you at all,

Do not expect to have help or a “Carer”

For such hope’s are going to fall.

If you live on your own and are lonely,

And you have a job to look after yourself,

Your “file” will be put with others,

Way up high on the Council’s shelf.

Never get old in THIS Country,

Never admit you are as old as your age,

Too old to get out for the shopping,

Far too old now to get in a rage.

It’s so easy to pick on the old,

For they are vulnerable as well,

With no one around to speak for them,

Or to care if their lives now, are Hell.

Take heed of this advice I give you,

Whatever you do, don’t get old,

I know that I’m getting on a bit,

At least, that’s what I’ve been told,

There are, I believe expert “Carers”,

That will “care” for you, at times,

As long as you don’t live in England,

For you won’t ‘fit their Criteria’ you’ll find!

For years folk have paid their rent and their tax,

Without any ‘hand out’ or help,

Paying out all of their working days,

With never a thought for their self.

Who would have thought such times would come,

To the old, in this Country of ours?

When those in “high places” cared not about

Those that survived those wars?

So many friends not here now,

Like shadows in the night, now gone,

Just memories in fleeting moments,

But quiet in dignity, the old have won.

For come the day when the young grow old,

And there is no one that gives a ‘toss’,

Only then will those in high places,

Realise what this great nation has lost.

Had they cared for the old and put first

Their country and their own land,

They would not fear getting old,

At least, not in their own ENGLAND. 312.2010.