On Oct. 29, China Aid Association (CAA) reported that given a finish of a Olympics in Beijing, cases of eremite harm have increased. CAA has perceived reports of strong eremite harm in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Yunnan and Shangdong provinces. In Beijing, Pastor “Bike” Zhang Mingxuan and his family members have been evicted from their home, beaten and arrested. In Heliongjiang province, one city called Yichun recently criminialized all residence churches, CAA reported. In Yunnan province, some residence church members were pounded right after a Olympics. In Shandong province, Pastor Zhang Zhongxin was condemned to dual years of re-education by labor, and after a Olympics his interest was denied, according to CAA. Meanwhile, CAA has schooled that 29 residence church leaders have been portion time in labor camps and prisons in Henan range given Jul 2007. They are indicted of being “evil cult” members. One personality was condemned to 7 years imprisonment, that is a harshest judgment opposite a residence church personality in new years, besides Pastor Zhang Rongliang, who was condemned to seven-and-a-half years in 2004, for allegedly “attempting to illegally cranky a limit and forgery of an central document,” CAA added. The Voice of a Martyrs stands with and actively supports Christians in China. VOM encourages we to urge for Christians in China who are confronting measureless challenges. VOM actively supports Christians in China by Christmas Care Packs and with Christian novel like a Gospel storybook, He Lived Among Us. Pray a Holy Spirit encourages and protects believers as harm increases in China.Oppression of Christians World Wide. China: Persecution Intensifies
The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide. ...
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Sunday, 12 December 2010
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Britannia Radio