Friday, 21 January 2011

2011 Outlook for Economy & Markets

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The August Review
About Patrick Wood
Editor of The August Review and The August Forecast, Wood is an expert on international economics, globalization and finance. He is co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington with the late Antony C. Sutton.

Dear Friend,

It's a critical time for another special Webinar with your editor.

With major signs of topping action in the various markets and widespread economic confusion, we need to revisit the big picture and see exactly where we are, in order to see where we are headed for the balance of 2011.

I will specifically address my forecasts on the stock market, gold & silver, and most importantly, our dollar currency, and an update on Trilateral Commission policies and activities.

You will need a PC or Mac, an Internet connection to attend the Webinar. Q&A will follow the presentation.

Title: 2011 Outlook for Economy & Markets
Date: Friday, January 28, 2011
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM PST

Cost: Any size contribution to The August Review

Access to this Webinar will be different. Namely, make a free-will donation of any size to The August Review, and you're in! Give what you can and please know that your generosity is greatly appreciated.

NOTE: Upon receiving notice of your contribution, I will send you a special link with instructions on how to sign up for the Webinar.

Please click below to make a contribution to The August Review.

Make Donation

Also, please circulate this invitation to your mailing lists. Who doesn't need shelter from the storm?

Yours for Success,

Patrick Wood, Editor
The August Review

P.S. Paid-up subscribers to The August Forecast will receive a complimentary Webinar pass.