Saturday, 8 January 2011

Oppression of Christians World Wide.
Youth for Christ centre among biggest stories
Winnipeg Free Press
Together with the plight of the church in places like China, the ongoing persecution of Christiansaround the world continues to be a major, though mostly ...
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Christian lambs left to slaughter
Sydney Morning Herald
These seemingly absurd sparks ignited two of the higher-octane bonfires in a new wave in the persecution of minority Christians across the Islamic world in ...
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Sydney Morning Herald

Britannia Radio: John Loeffler Steel Steel: Christian Life in ...
By Britannia Radio
Antisemitism-Incidences World Wide. In memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russian ..... the failure of the British to produce enough children to sustain their own future, the utterly inadequate education of tens of thousands of young people, and the exploitation of so-called 'terrorism' to impose a regime of oppression. ...
Britannia Radio -
Anti-Christian crimes downplayed by Steve Huntley
By Major (Rtd) D.Swami
Open Doors, an organization supporting persecuted Christian churches, asserts 100 millionChristians worldwide are targeted for their faith. It found that eight of the top 10 countries that are the most dangerous for Christians to ...
Seventh Rangers (Mechanized) -
Muslim Nations Harshest on Christians, Study Finds - World - CBN ...
Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia were among the other worst countries for Christians. "Worldwide, the worst place in the world to be a Christian is primarily in the Muslim world," Moeller added. He says Christian persecution ... - CBN News -
YouTube - World Over - Persecution of Christians - R Arroyo w ...
World Over - Persecution of Christians - R Arroyo w Walid Phares and Kathryn Lopez - 01-06- ....Language: English; Location: Worldwide; Safety mode: Off ...