» New Featured Product The Final Prophecies DVD Is there more to end-times prophecy than many believe? We strongly recommend you watch the intro trailer and the sample clip to get a feel for the production quality and content of this DVD. We highly recommend this DVD. Run Time: 80 Min Region: Works Worldwide View the trailer hereJanuary 10, 2011
The validity of ancient prophecy has been debated for centuries and is one of the most controversial subjects in the world today. Join host and historian Ronnie Cohen as you go on an epic journey to uncover the secrets behind Middle Eastern prophecy and the shocking statistical evidence that proves there is much more going on regarding past prophetic fulfillment than mere chance. Shocking new research also reveals that prophetic events foretelling frightening social changes that will usher in a new period of global hardship, tribulation and widespread death may be more plausible than many believe. No matter your belief system, the findings presented within The final Prophecies are as eye-opening as they are frightening. The ultimate conclusion may change your view of prophecy forever and redefine how much time we truly have left on this world!
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Monday, 10 January 2011
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Britannia Radio