Sunday, 20 February 2011

Curse Of The Interns: As the Tory Party ban auction of internships for £3,000 a time, worrying questions remain...


20th February 2011

The first interns were medical students.

In America, until the Second World War, the word ‘internship’ simply referred to young doctors ‘interned’ within the four walls of a hospital.

Even today, medical interns have to endure a few years of purgatory – 80-hour weeks,
serious responsibilities and meagre pay.

But this rite of passage, as with apprenticeships of old, almost always comes with a fitting reward: prestigious and well-paid employment for life.

Exploited: Bill Clinton had a relationship with unpaid intern Monica Lewinsky

Exploited: Bill Clinton had a relationship with unpaid intern Monica Lewinsky

Outside medicine, the first place internships spread to was the political realm.

By the late Thirties, the city councils of Los Angeles, Detroit and New York City all had programmes.

A prominent non-profit organisation sponsored a ‘hopeful experiment’, bringing 30 young ‘interns’ to Washington for a year of training in public administration.

Much of corporate America followed suit during the post-war economic boom.

Typically, these internship schemes included structured training, paid at least a minimum wage and meant a full-time position afterwards for those who acquitted themselves well.

The real internship explosion, even in the US, is only two or three decades old but it has spread across the world like wildfire.

It is now challenging and eroding the British practice of ‘work experience’.

Where young British people once undertook placements for a couple of weeks to give them an insight into an industry, now they are required to do real work for free and for much longer periods.

I know because I was an unpaid intern myself at an NGO in London after coming to Britain to do a master’s degree.

In fact, nearly every company in the white-collar world now uses interns.

Taking the Mickey: Disney World runs on some 8,000 minimum wage student interns

Taking the Mickey: Disney World runs on some 8,000 minimum wage student interns

And having seen the impact they have had in the US, I would like to warn Britain of what may be ahead.

From modest beginnings, there are now 20,000 interns descending on Washington each summer, 6,000 of them working unpaid for Congress – dwarfing the 450 interns currently attached to the UK Parliament.

An estimated 75 per cent of US university undergraduates now do at least one internship, up from a small fraction in the Eighties.

They fetch coffee in a thousand newsrooms, Congressional offices and Hollywood studios, but they also deliver aid in Afghanistan, write newsletters for churches, sell lipstick, work for the military and pick up rubbish.

They are part-time college students, recent graduates, thirtysomethings changing careers, and – increasingly – just about any white-collar hopeful who can be hired on a temporary basis, for cheap or for free.

American firms with London offices, particularly in finance, were probably some of the earliest adopters in Britain in the Nineties.

Most of these positions were still of the paid-for variety. But not for long.

Just as internships started to become entrenched in the UK, the whole concept changed radically.

Particularly in ‘glamour’ industries’ such as media, entertainment and fashion, but increasingly everywhere else, high ideals about training the next generation degenerated into a free-for-all of favouritism and exploitation.

For businesses, it’s all about the numbers. A California newspaper attempted to fire its entire editorial staff and replace them with unpaid interns.

Disney World runs on some 8,000 minimum-wage student interns. Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics maker, pumps out iPods and Kindles with more than 100,000 Chinese interns on its assembly lines.

Besides canny employers, other causes of this phenomenon include a hyper-competitive job market, Government inaction and a frightening new consensus about work, especially among young people and their parents.

Whatever happened to the principle of a fair day’s pay for a hard day’s work?

Some of the results are already obvious but the worst is yet to come.

Many internships, especially the small but influential sliver of glamorous ones, are the preserve of the wealthy.

They provide the already privileged with a major head start and serious professional and financial dividends over time.

Internships play a role in making sure the rich stay rich or get richer, while the poor get poorer – barred from the world of white-collar work, where high salaries are increasingly concentrated in today’s economy.

For the well-heeled looking to guarantee their offspring’s future prosperity, internships are a powerful investment vehicle, an instrument of self-preservation in the same category as private tutoring, exclusive schools and trust funds.

Meanwhile, less privileged families stretch their finances thinly so their children can afford the most thankless unpaid positions, which are less likely to lead to real work, while the forgotten majority cannot afford to play the game at all.

Some professions are already off limits to working-class kids.

In fact, internships are skewing the fields that matter most to broader society: most of those who will shape politics, culture, business and the voluntary sector in the coming years will be former interns who had the family money and connections – and in some cases the sheer persistence – to break in.

If this has always been true to some extent, internships are making matters worse, working against efforts to democratise higher education and diversify the workplace.

In the UK, as in America, between a third and half of all internships pay nothing, and positions are concentrated in the most expensive cities.

And if personal connections grease the wheels of the job market, they are the motor powering the opaque trade in internships. Internships are informal and off the radar, a zone where anything goes.

As one boss said to me: ‘All I need to do is find a desk, a computer and a phone and that person is on board. I don’t need to make the case that I need to put another salary in my profit and loss statement.’

Similarly, there are no issues about firing, pensions, overtime, holidays or severance pay.

So what about those ‘fortunate’ enough to land the internship of their dreams?

A lucky few get paid a decent wage and have great experiences, replete with opportunities for mentoring and advancement.

But many more will be exploited without a second thought, even as they slip deeper into debt and despair.

Like the intern for a theatre company who had to carry urine samples to her boss’s doctor.

Or the supervisor who directed an intern to load his own car with leaking bags of rubbish and drive around until he found a bin.

At the far end of absurd are two girls in the Netherlands, aged 14 and 15, who were required by their school to take ‘a social internship’ and tried to intern as prostitutes in the local red-light district.

Which only serves to remind us of the services Bill Clinton demanded of Monica Lewinsky, the most famous intern of all.

Expect things to get much worse.

The Tories’ auction of internships to wealthy donors for their children – reported last week in this newspaper – is only the tip of the iceberg.

If the UK continues to follow America’s lead, you can look forward to dozens of ‘internship companies’ selling positions (a California firm called Dream Careers offers its American clients summer internships in London for £6,500 a pop), lots more auctions and the further erosion of pay and working conditions.

Interns will keep replacing full-time workers but will rarely get hired on a regular basis themselves.

Instead of work experience lasting a few weeks, we’ll see more internships dragging on for months, even years, and the rise of ‘serial interns’.

Britain should put the brakes on the internship boom before it’s too late – if it isn’t already.

Ross Perlin is the author of Intern Nation, which will be published by Verso in May.