For one newspaper, the Palestinian leadership is not Palestinian enough. From his London salon one senior columnist bemoanedthe ‘decay of what in Yasser Arafat's heyday was an authentic national liberation movement.’ For him, it seems, Palestinian authenticity can only be achieved through the massacre of athletes at the Munich Olympics, the hijacking of planes or the suicide bombing of civilians in shopping malls and pizza parlors. In his eyes,Friday, 4th February 2011
Beyond the pale
Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor, has written an absolutely blistering attack on the Guardian for publishing its so-called ‘Palestine Papers’, previously discussed here and here. Prosor states flatly that, with this coverage, the Guardian has now established itself beyond doubt as the mouthpiece for Hamas – and he furthermore accuses columnist Seumas Milne (although not by name) of effectively endorsing terrorist mass murder:
Sunday, 6 February 2011
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Britannia Radio