Fury as Labour smears David Cameron after he attacks multiculturalism Cameron's multicultural speech sparks fury Labour accuses Cameron of lining up with extremists on multiculturalism UK OPENS ASYLUM DOOR TO SMUGGLED CHILDREN RIVAL AFGHANS' SEASIDE WAR 'Target brothels or sex trafficking in UK will rise' David Cameron's attack on multiculturalism divides the coalition BRITONS FEARS OVER IMMIGRANTS Cameron signs up to muscular liberalism PMs speech at Munich Security Conference GardaĆ cannot prevent marriages of convenience SIEGE AT HEART OF PASSPORT SYSTEM OUR MULTI-CULTURAL FAILURES HAVE BRED HATRED, WARNS PM David Cameron tells Muslim Britain: stop tolerating extremistsA selection of recent media reports
A major row over Islamic extremism erupted last night after Labour accused David Cameron of being a far-Right propagandist.
Daily Mail (06-Feb-2011)
David Cameron was accused of stoking extremism today, after he delivered a speech on the...
Politics.co.uk (Ian Dunt) (06-Feb-2011)
PM's attack on some minorities' failure to integrate draws stinging...
The Independent (By Matt Chorley and Brian Brady) (06-Feb-2011)
SMUGGLED children are winning asylum status because the Government has ended biometric...
Express.co.uk (By James Murray) (06-Feb-2011)
A SEASIDE town has been turned into a battle zone by rival gangs of Afghan asylum...
Express.co.uk (By Jon Coates) (06-Feb-2011)
Traffic in sex slaves could rise if Britain rejects European anti-vice...
Guardian.co.uk (Mark Townsend) (06-Feb-2011)
The language of Cameron's speech resembles that of Blair in the wake of the 7/7 bombings.
Guardian.co.uk (Jamie Doward) (05-Feb-2011)
POLITICIANS were yesterday urged to step up immigration control after a survey...
Sunday Express (Alison Little) (05-Feb-2011)
"State multiculturalism has failed." Angela Merkel put voice to that sentiment last...
The Spectator (Peter Hoskin) (05-Feb-2011)
Prime Minister David Cameron has delivered a speech setting out his view on radicalisation.
Number10.gov.uk (05-Feb-2011)
A HIGH Court judge has ruled gardaĆ have no power to prevent non-EU citizens entering into a marriage of convenience here for immigration purposes. Mr Justice Gerard Hogan said, as the law stands, this State has not asserted any right to prevent the solemnisation of otherwise valid marriages which...
Irish Times (05-Feb-2011)
BRITAINS passport system is under siege from illegal immigrant fraudsters, a judge..
Scottish Daily Express (Anil Dawar) (05-Feb-2011)
DAVID Cameron will today warn that the threat of home-grown Muslim extremism is...
Scottish Daily Express (Macer Hall, Political editor) (05-Feb-2011)
PM says those who don't hold 'British' values will be shunned by...
Guardian.co.uk (Patrick Wintour) (05-Feb-2011)
Sunday, 6 February 2011
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Britannia Radio