POLITICS, MEDIA AND THE END OF THOUGHT Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D Financial power applies the media as a form of “mind-training” turning “freedom of thought” into a habit of “thinking to order.”[1] In the age of mass media those with access (refusal of access or a gift for critical access may be the most potent form of dissent) are subjected to this continually. The media immerses ‘the public’ (the target audience) in highly intense, non-sequential narratives of dubious authenticity that dazzle and disorganize the mind. These effects are the purpose of the media distraction machine. Every couple of weeks a new wave of over-stimulated coverage breaks into living rooms and car seats everywhere, occupying personal space and colonizing minds: creating a reality which tends to have a binary focus: the questions are pre-set to funnel the mind toward the correct answer-and-approved-alternative. It would be instructive to track these waves for a year, examine the sequence and see what categories or dialectics inhere in it. During the last three months individuals were herded into a ‘group mind’ around the question of whether the President was a pragmatist or an ideologue. Fortune tellers told ‘the mind’ how this would shape the new congress. Then there were weeks of obsession with the shootings in Tucson that drove the economy (the life-experience of 350 million people) to the margins of the universe. Then the main event, the “Chaos in Cairo” arrived to rivet the mind’s attention on “the twitter revolution” and the ‘wave of democracy sweeping the Islamic world’ from Morocco to Afghanistan. To keep and command the attention of ‘the mind,’ the Chaos in Cairo morphed into “Turmoil in Egypt,” “Turmoil in Cairo” and “Chaos in Egypt” with stupefying rapidity and the lack of depth typical of the distraction machine’s method: the shimmering strobe-lit surface, like a Super-Bowl halftime show that not only captures but stuns attention and intimidates by its hyper-expense and degree of management, -- an epitome of the news. Battered by the chaff of intensely contradictory statements from the highest levels of Oceanic diplomacy, President Mubarak spent weeks (probably months) seeking an exit strategy that would not involve stepping quickly into his grave. At his level, one must beware of allies (“thank you and goodbye”). While pundits noted ad nauseam the bonds between the Egyptian and American armed forces there was little if any mention that typically the protests would have been ended soon after they began by machine gun fire and tear gas. Buried still more was the major Oceanic offensive stretching from Algeria to Afghanistan, binding together “the inner crescent” and “Pivot area” of the World Island.[2] Aside from the depopulation potential of the various crises, NATO will not yield Persia, much less Mesopotamia to the Eurasian powers. The British will-to-power with its inimitable conceit, love of hypocrisy and genius in deploying an ‘objective’ media is even greater than Chinese or Russian xenophobia and hardness. The best defense is a good offense and the British are into their tenth decade of using Islam, whose incendiary aspects are intrinsic, as the instant crisis-starter and perpetuator: one doesn’t even need to add water. No one remembers the Armenians, Hitler commented, and who now remembers BP and its oil spill? Did anyone notice the Rock group’s evocation of New Age pedagogy at the Super Bowl with its throngs of white-sheeted living dead? It’s all about the spontaneous crisis in Cairo… This crisis is not meant to end anymore than the ‘war in Afghanistan’ which may be a codicil to Codex Alimentaris as well as the perpetual contrived attrition by which the World Terror State rationalizes its security measures. As for the adjacent conflict in Mesopotamia, it merely continues Britain’s formation of ‘Iraq,’ a mission impossible handed off to its American servants to keep “the Region” in turmoil until the formation of a Greater Middle East, the “Arab Federation with its front door on the Mediterranean” that has been the cynosure of the Round Table since 1920 or so. Following Lenin, Boris Bad-enough often noted that “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” In the current crisis a human mind, steeped in history observes the apocalyptic regression that has characterized western civilization since the French Revolution or, more obviously, since the Pre-Raphaelites and Wagnerism in the mid-19th century. This is the period of the Caesarism of groups with a vague relation to States and a return of politics and culture “to thorough formlessness” and “primitivism” in which the heart of darkness speaks in the “gorgeous rhetoric” of talking hairstyles or top diplomats, every one of whom “could become a good stage actor if he [or she] wished.”[3] Egypt and the entire crescent of the Islamic world (made into States by Britain and France) are being used to scramble the eggs of many nations, and to scramble minds generally. The epicenter of this process, Cairo, for all its primitive qualities is bidding to become a new “Cosmopolis, the great petrifact” where “money and intellect celebrate their greatest and their last triumphs.” This venue of the pyramids and Pharaonic arrogance is well-suited for its role. The new idol of crowds and pundits everywhere, “democracy” is “the form in which money has won,” defeating intellect, politics, ideology and literacy. Books are forgotten (who has time to read amid the breaking “headlines”) and “historians will not even understand the old controversies.” This is the age of the peace process and the burial of truth by the great fictions, “the Palestinian people” to name one and “the wars of the era of world-peace are private wars,” that is, wars between cooperating oligarchies, “wars more fearful than any State wars because they are formless,” they “know no boundaries.”[4] In this context it is pertinent that the “twitter revolution” that completes the deformation of humans into chattering magpies, their language reduced to twenty-character bites is the end-game of boxing up Israel, that is, the last phase of Britain’s negation of its Mandate to administer the reconstitution of the Jewish National Home. With Iran – Hezbollah ruling in the Lebanon and Hamas, an arm of the Islamic Brotherhood (or “Brothers,” good parliamentarian as the Economist terms them) in ‘the Gaza Strip’ the servility of the perennial client regime that represents Caesarea while physically sited in Jerusalem is greater than ever. The more servile, the more it is blamed for its “siege mentality” and refusal to make “peace” (i.e. surrender totally).[5] Essential to Britain’s project is the displacement of its imperial methods onto Israel which then is scapegoated in the most time-honored Western manner, and the absorption of the land and authority of Jerusalem into the ‘democracy’ of the nascent world-petrifact, that is, the physically and mentally impoverished ‘world-community’ or New Babel. “Contemporary English-American politics have created through the press [media] a force-field of world-wide intellectual and financial tensions in which every individual unconsciously must think, will and act as a ruling personality somewhere thinks fit.” The media maintains its barrage of slogans, clichés, talking points and crises till “every ego becomes a mere function of a monstrous intellectual Something.” In an era when Richard Daley reigns longer than Mubarak, “money does not turn into cards and wine” or shares or mansions as much as “it is turned into force” exercised through the media. Thus London interprets Wall Street, and everything else, through its fair and balanced organ, News Corp, that generic, all-inclusive “something” to which all prostrate themselves. In France in 1788, “the printed word still was a means of expressing private convictions. But England was already past that and deliberately seeking to produce [strategic] impressions on the reader… Today we live so cowed under the bombardment of this [pseudo] intellectual artillery that hardly anyone can attain to the inward detachment required for a clear view of the monstrous drama.”[6] On a more modest national level, the monstrous drama includes the trivialization of Sarah Palin who has become a comic-book character, a book-end to the hologram through which the oligarchy speaks. A similar process is underway with Representative Bachman: “in this, our age of infamy” increase of ‘stature’ is portends a decrease in human faculties as the virtual drives out the genuine and the image devours life. Eugene Narrett’s recent book is Culture of Terror (www.authorhouse.com 2009) Footnotes: © 2011 Eugene Narrett - All Rights Reserved Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD from Columbia University in NYC. His writings on American politics and culture and on the Middle East and geopolitics have been widely published. These include four books, the most recent being WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State (2007) which examines the historical roots and purposes of the war on terror as a late stage in the undoing of the West. His previous book, Israel and the Endtimes (2006) lays the basis for these questions. Dr. Narrett has appeared on scores of radio programs, both major networks like WABC, Radio America, Eagle Forum Radio and Westwood Communications, as well as regional and local stations. He has been honored for his essays on art and literature and on behalf of the pro-life movement. Since receiving his doctorate in 1978, Dr. Narrett has been teaching literature and art and creating interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities. He lectures on a variety of topics relating to western civilization, geopolitics and the multi-faceted war on the family that is a striking feature of the postmodern west. See his web site, www.israelendtimes.com for information on booking a lecture and for contact information. Website: IsraelEndTimes.com
Saturday, 12 February 2011
February 12, 2011
An enhanced ability to ‘read’ and interpret the media strengthens the mind and supports the human.This vampiric process defines the Republican Party that digests and warps all efforts to revitalize the Republic: the name becomes a lie and the Capitol’s imperial scale enchants the nation to its mold. Thus DC functions like Moloch in Lang’sMetropolis which in turn reads as a preview of postmodern goddess rapture that renders sex terrifying.[7] As to socio-politics, the oligarchy uses the GOP for the “divide and conquer” method to suppress threats to the progress of Empire. All must serve the Elephonkey.
1, Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West (NY 1962; 2006, English abridged edition Arthur Helps; translation by Charles Francis Atkinson), 395, 379
2, See Friedrich Ratzel and Sir Halford Mackinder on Geopolitics. See George Orwell, 1984 (1949) on the triadic world order of constant attrition, perennial impoverishment, State security and mind control.
3, Friedrich Nietzsche, The Joyful Science V.361 (NY 1974, translated with commentary Walter Kaufmann) 316-17; the other reference is to Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
4, Spengler op. cit. 379-81; Verizon motto
5, The Economist July 17, 2010 and June 05, 2010; Time January 19, 2009 (“Israel Can’t Win” because it oppresses Hamas by feeding and fueling the Arabs in Gaza) and September 13, 2010
6, Spengler op. cit. 393-4
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