Obamacare Furthers Black Genocide Politics, Media and the End of Thought Egypt and the Pyramid of Power The Reality of a Green World
Thirty four hundred per day. I thought, per day? No, this can't be true. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Over thirty four hundred babies are aborted in America every day. Wow! Despite democrat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer's feeble attempt to spin the truth otherwise, Obama's Health Care Law does order taxpayer funded abortions. For decades, blacks have been extremely loyal monolithically voting for democrats......
by Lloyd Marcus
Following Lenin, Boris Bad-enough often noted that “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” In the current crisis a human mind, steeped in history observes the apocalyptic regression that has characterized western civilization since the French Revolution or, more obviously, since the Pre-Raphaelites and Wagnerism in the mid-19th century. This is the period of the Caesarism of groups with a vague relation to States and a return of politics and culture “to thorough formlessness” and.......
by Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
Jihad? Oil? Making money? Instilling fear? Political correctness? Empathy for Islam? Hope for an escape from cruel dictators? These and other desires are compiled and sorted and collated and integrated into a higher plan for control. Globalists can envision making Islamic terrorism into one side of a perpetual war that will make freedom a distant memory. Jihadists certainly favor that kind of slavery. They want complete submission. And so globalists toy with that motive and try to use it......
by Jon Rappoport
After fighting the radical environmental movement for more than 20 years, I have come to one basic conclusion: the people who understand and care for the environment the least are environmentalists. My experience has shown that the leaders of this once-popular and still powerful force simply use the environment as an excuse to impose a radical, socialist agenda. Meanwhile, the faithful rank and file of the movement believe anything if it is attached to the label “green,” rarely questioning if the statement is true or not......
by Tom DeWeese
Saturday, 12 February 2011
February 12, 2011
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Britannia Radio