This is probably the one question that more than
anything else is going to determine the future
of the United States.
We have a lot of trained warriors in this country.
Many of them are just coasting. Others are happy
collaborators. A small percentage use their jobs
as cover for criminal activities.
Then there's the silent majority.
They know they took an oath to defend the Constitution.
They know the federal government is out of control.
They went into the military, the police, the fire department
to make things better, not worse.
What are these folks going to do when (not if)
the proverbial s*** hits the fan and the criminal
Feds attempt to roll out their various "training exercises"
and make them permanent?
It will be interesting.
It's a duty to disobey illegal orders.
- Brasscheck
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio