Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Royal Artillery March and flyer

Dear All,

I attach two items for you.

The Esher Business Guild, and Sandown Racecourse, ask you to please
print these and post them in your windows.
Yes, it's free advertising (well, not really) for Sandown, but they are
hosting the Royal Artillery Day Parade and Races and we hope you will
help to get as
many people out on the streets as possible, to welcome the soldiers and
the cavalry and the younger people marching in the parade on

18th February FRIDAY
10.30 am from Haymarket Carpark to Sandown.

Please, if you will, support our troops and place a printed poster in
your window.
If you should have any trouble at all printing the two items, do let me

Thank you for supporting the men and women in the Forces.