Brigitte Gabriel discusses radical imam
Dear Harold,
Last week Sean Hannity interviewed Imam Anjem Choudary, an outspoken radical imam in Great Britain. After the interview, Hannity discussed Choudary’s views with Brigitte Gabriel, president of ACT! for America.
Log on here to watch the two short segments. You’ve got to see this!
This is what Europe has been wrestling with for years now—and it’s coming our way.
| Several weeks ago we emailed you about the plight of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Woolf, who is one of our international chapter leaders in Austria. Many of you responded, and we thank you.
Elisabeth has been charged with committing hate speech, because she has dared to expose the kind of evil that Imam Choudary espouses.
Elisabeth continues to need our help for her legal defense fund, as her trial now is going to the next phase.
Please log on here if you can help Elisabeth with a contribution, and feel free to leave a comment in support as well. When you make a contribution remember it’s in euros, and one dollar is equal to about .732 euros. So, for example, if you want to give $20, make your contribution 15 euros.
After you view Imam Choudary’s comments you may wonder how it’s possible that someone with his views has the right of free speech, but when someone like Elisabeth exposes those views, she is charged with a crime.
The answer is that sharia law, and its prohibition of criticism of Islam, is taking root in the West. |
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