Thursday, 24 February 2011

A selection of recent media reports

The Nigerian who stole 350 IDs to claim £1.3m in benefits
A Nigerian immigrant stole the identities of 350 people to claim £1.3million in bogus tax credits in the largest benefit scam of its kind.
Daily Mail (24-Feb-2011)

Daily Express's new editor plays the same one-note tune
It's easy to scoff at the Express... (Roy Greenslade) (23-Feb-2011)

Labour Govt 'Let In Three Million Migrants'
More than three million immigrants arrived during Labour's time in power - the biggest influx of people since the Saxon invasion more than 1,000 years ago.
Sky News (23-Feb-2011)

Caps are no basis for migration policy
Labour's immigration policy was no conspiracy and the coalition will learn the folly of setting arbitrary limits
Guardian (23-Feb-2011)

Nursing dream fades for Filipinos as UK jobs dry up
Tony Blair's NHS boost prompted a... (Sarah Boseley) (23-Feb-2011)

Fears immigrants will flood Europe after collapse
THE collapse of Colonel Gaddafi's regime could result in a tidal wave of refugees and illegal immigrants pouring into Europe, EU ministers warned... (22-Feb-2011)

Labour Govt 'Let In Three Million Migrants'
More than three million immigrants...
97.4rockfm (22-Feb-2011)