Sunday, February 06, 2011
El Baradei Speaks, Bloomberg Distorts
The Muslim Brotherhood Strategy for Egypt
The Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian strategy is coming into sharp relief.Saturday, February 05, 2011
Exceptional, Bipartisan Stupidity Continues
Friday, February 04, 2011
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Forgotten History on the Eve of Destruction
America's support for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood did not begin with the Obama administration, which clearly aims to align with the group (and with Islamism, in general, excluding Al Qaeda and so-called irreconcilable elements of the Taliban).
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press program, Mohamed El Baradei clearly equivocated when moderator David Gregory questioned him about the future of Egypt's peace treaty with Israel. The transcript:
MR. GREGORY: And yes or no, should Egypt in the future always maintain the peace treaty with Israel?
MR. ELBARADEI: I, I think so, but it's not just dependent on Egypt, David, it also depends on Israel. Israel should not continue to apply a policy of force, vis-a-vis the Palestinians, should agree to what everybody knows that Palestinians have the right to establish a state similar to what the proposal of former...
MR. GREGORY: Dr. ElBaradei, I think a lot of people hearing this--Dr. ElBaradei, people hearing this will hear equivocation, and there'll be great fear about a potential leader of Egypt saying that the peace treaty is not rock solid with Israel.
MR. ELBARADEI: Well I think, I think everybody saying it is rock solid, but, but, but everybody also saying that, at the same breath, that whether Egypt is a democracy, whether Egypt is a dictatorship everybody in Egypt, everybody in the Arab world will want to see an independent Palestinian state, David. I don't think anybody disagree with that. That has nothing to do with the peace treaty between Egypt and, and Israel, which is, as you said, has been concluded, and I assume that Egypt will continue to respect it, you know?
Egypt's peace treaty with Israel is “rock solid,” Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program.
“I assume Egypt will continue to respect it,” ElBaradei said when asked about the current treaty. He also said “everyone in Egypt, everyone in the Arab world wants to see an independent Palestinian state.”
1. Use a front man. Instead of formally fielding a candidate in Egypt's forthcoming presidential elections, the MB will anoint and support a front man, or stooge, such as Mohammed ElBaradei. His hostility to the United States and Israel--and friendship toward Iran--is recognized and appreciated by the MB.
2. Use a front group. Rather than turn itself into an actual political party, the MB plans to rule Egypt through a to-be-created, crypto-Islamist party, such as that which is Islamizing Turkey and transforming it into an anti-Israel, pro-Iran power.
The Obama administration, which has held secret back-channel talks with the MB, and much of America's foreign policy establishment have come out in favor of the "Turkish model."
The above-described deception will allow the MB to avoid responsibility for managing Egypt--and blame for failing to solve its monumental social and economic problems--and make it easier for the Obama administration and European nations to embrace the new regime.
The Obama party line, which fawning media outlets can be counted on to echo, will be that the regime is "Islamist-influenced" but not Islamist-controlled, with "roots" in but not limited to political Islam, and that Egypt's American-trained-and armed army, anyhow, is a guarantor of "stability." Besides, the administration and its flunkies will surely assure us, the MB itself is not a monolith, having "matured" and moderated itself over the years ... and so on and so forth.
In fact, the MB is a clerical fascist foe; and, following the Turkish model, alright, the group, after taking power through its fronts, will move in deliberate, systematic ways to neutralize the military through purges, the creation of parallel security services and paramilitary forces that will be loyal to the "Islamist-rooted" regime, and the installation of ruling party comisars and spies in all military branches and units.
Having helped to unleash and build up the Islamist monster (a) in Afghanistan, in order to bleed and bring down the Soviet Union, (b) in Iran, where the catastrophic Carter administration was complicit in the overthrow of the Shah, a modernizing monarch, (c) in Iraq, where the arguably equally catastrophic Bush administration needlessly invaded and occupied a contained, secular enemy, which had no meaningful Islamist ties and no weapons of mass destruction, and (d) in Turkey, a NATO member, where the Bush and Obama administrations have effectively guaranteed the security of a crypto-Islamist regime that is increasingly, openly supporting Tehran's turbaned tyranny, Washington is now essentially aiding efforts by Iran and Hezbollah to destabilize and Islamize the most powerful and populous Arab country, which for more than three decades has been a key American ally and Israel's peace partner.
The new twist: the President of the United States, himself Muslim-born (according to Islamic law, which traces the religion through the father) and Muslim-reared (he practiced and studied Islam as a child in the Indonesian home of his Indonesian Muslim stepfather), has basically, incredibly, positioned himself as a Muslim world leader--seemingly competing for power and influence with the leaders of Al Qaeda, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
China Confidential analysts say the Muslim Brotherhood was probably behind the attempted assassination of Omar Suleiman, Egypt's intelligence head-turned Vice President.
The MB was responsible for the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, which took place on October 6, 1981, and the group has made several attempts to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
The conspiracy to kill Suleiman, analysts add, may have included agents of the Iranian regime, which is allied with the MB.
Cooperation between the Sunni MB and Iranian Shiite Islamists dates to the early 1950s--and a failed attempt to assassinate Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1954 by members of the MB and theDevotees of Islam, an Iranian group to which the Ayatollah Khomeini belonged. (The movement that ultimately overthrew Iran's pro-American Shah was an outgrowth of the Devotees of Islam.)
In the 1940s, the MB was involved in a string of assassinations, including the murder of Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi al-Noqrashi in 1948, who was killed following a crackdown on the organization.
On July 20, 1951, a Palestinian with MB ties assassinated Jordan's King Abdullah I because the monarch was believed to be secretly negotiating a peace agreement with Israel.
U.S. officials say the Obama administration is in talks with Egyptian officials on a proposal for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign immediately, and turn power over to a transitional government headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman with the support of the Egyptian military.
The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, say the proposal calls for the transitional government to invite members from a broad range of opposition groups, including the banned Muslim Brotherhood, to begin work to open up the country's electoral system in an effort to bring about free and fair elections in September.
On American television Friday, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, cautioned against cutting aid to Egypt and said he has been assured by his Egyptian counterpart that troops will not fire on protesters.
Recent U.S. overtures to the MB, which assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and spawned Al Qaeda, began at least a decade ago.
Accent on recent. Covert U.S. support for the MB actually began in the early 1950s--and a failed MB uprising in 1954. The U.S. and Britain both backed the group in order to counter (and assassinate) Egypt's extraordinarily popular, pan-Arabist president, Gamal Abdel Nasser, a secular nationalist--and Third World hero--who made the fatal error of siding with the Soviet Union.
Interestingly, the Sunni MB, even in those days, was working closely with an underground Shiite Islamist terrorist group in Iran known as the Devotees of Islam--a forerunner of the Islamists who overthrew Iran's modernizing monarch, the Shah, in 1979.
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Britannia Radio