Thursday, 24 February 2011

thanks ap

Towards a European Union of the Regions,

through the Localism Bill.

● The Localism Bill=The Big Society

● Pay fines without a trial

● How much is the cost of all this?

● What is there left for our Government to do?

● Dividing the Country instead of bringing the people together.

● Whose decision, the UK’s or the EU’s? See Council of Europe.

This Government has brought out a new "Localism Bill" designed to bring Governance right down to the very doorstep of the people. The people are going to be able to have their say-but who will be listening to them? Are they listening NOW?

Many British pounds are going to be spent on this project, but in all the alleged 405 pages of the Bill, what “good” will it be to this Country? The Treaty of Lisbon has brought it to life, a Treaty that the people would have rejected if they had been given a chance, but for now, it is the EU’s Committee of the Regions that has at last "come into its own". To bring the EU allegedly closer to “its” citizens. Now, of course under the Coalitions name of David Cameron’s, “Big Society”.

This is yet another extra layer of EU Governance which our own Government estimates will require costs starting around £21 million. Is that a joke-does that even cover a referendum for 12 elected Mayors or the extra Pay Packets forever? Or is it £2bn on to £7bn or a great deal more? Is this why we are having vast vicious CUTS after CUTS taking money from us, to pay for THIS? Paying more for almost everything we buy? Supposedly to get this Country out of the mess it is in, yet the people did not have any hand in creating the mess we are allegedly in. Strange though, that our Billions in EU Contributions are still being paid along with paying the many EU Agencies, and now we are to have extra layers of Governance this Country has done very well without, over many years. We even fought two full-scale wars without these kinds of instructions and incidentally we fought those wars to prevent other Countries from telling us what to do, because we wanted to be FREE from foreign rule. What are we still pay our Government for?

I am sure you are already aware that this is all for the "long term”. Forget "No Parliament may bind" because we are looking at 2050, and in one EU paper I have read it is planning as far as 2100, so is that long term enough to destroy our long standing Common Law Constitution that so many died fighting to keep for us all? According to R v Thistlewood 1820, “To destroy the Constitution is Treason”.

Although some people rejected elected Mayors a few years ago, there are proposals in the Localism Bill for ‘elected’ Mayors so it rather looks as if we are going to have to have them, AND until we can elect a “real” one, we will have to put up with "a pretendy Mayor” (“shadow mayors” to get used to the idea) until we can "do it properly" by voting a “yes” for them, although we can say “NO”.

I have problems with the proposed acceptance of, “The power to require local or public authorities to make payments in respect of certain EU financial sanctions¹. In this part, “EU financial sanctions” means a lump sum or penalty payment (or both) imposed after the commencement of this Part by the Court of Justice of the European Union under Article 260² (Not a British Court then!) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. A Minister of the Crown may require (insist? By law? By asking?) a local or public authority to make a payment of an amount determined by the Minister in respect of any EU financial sanction imposed on the United Kingdom”. And what if that local or public Authority says “NO”? What if the PEOPLE say “NO”? Or what if the people do not agree to foreigners or their Government deciding they should pay a fine for some-thing they haven’t done or even agreed to? I hope the people say “NO” to this legislation altogether.

Government only has the authority to make laws according to our long-standing Constitution, it can build on our Constitution, it cannot take away or ignore it. Governments have never allowed the people a say on an EU Treaty that held such wild suggestions and is absolutely contrary to their ideas under a way of life of their own Constitution, through Magna Carta which is of course a Treaty between the British Crown and the people. It is also contrary to the Declaration and Bill of Rights 1688/9, “nor excessive fines imposed” etc. When was the trial? All are innocent until proven Guilty? Where was the Jury? All sworn in? After-all, in the end all fines in part stem from the people’s payment though their taxes to their own Government. If, of course, the two parts of our Constitution mentioned above are no longer applicable-then treason has already been committed.

Bear in mind that the EU Treaties are between the EU and the United Kingdom as a whole. The UK Government agreed to the terms of the Treaty-the people had no say what-so-ever in any of them-had they have done so-we probably would not even be in the EU now, so why on earth should the people pay any proposed EU fine (locally) in what they have never agreed to? The people should be given a referendum on this Bill for they must have the right not to pay or contribute to any fines from any foreign Court in the EU for the people were not represented in that Court at all.

At the same time in having a referendum on this matter, the people should also be asked whether they want to remain in the European Union? In the circumstances, I would expect all in our two Houses of Parliament to campaign for the people to say resounding “YES” to getting out of the EU. This will become more clear as we go on. The people without doubt can no longer afford to pay for two Governments, and four Parliaments counting Brussels and Strasbourg and all these local Regions and Mayors.

With this new proposal regarding EU fines, the suggestion that Councils/Regions will contribute to EU fines imposed upon the UK Government, I guess as long as we remain in the EU, those EU fines will come our way thick and fast, probably until this and perhaps every other Country in the EU is bankrupt, because there is nothing to stop the EU. But I ask you this. If I, as a top Judge or Magistrate, (Which I am not) 'fine' a person, say a £5000 fine, can he/she then go to a neighbour or another member of the family or perhaps a complete stranger in the street and say. "Hey! I have been found Guilty of breaking UK law but YOU are going to have to pay the fine (or part of the fine) to the EU". Can that be right? This is what the UK Government will be expecting the Local Councils to do? Pay the fine or part of it for the UK as a whole. This will be the very first time in the history of this Country and contrary to its Constitution that the people will be expected to pay directly towards an EU Fine imposed by a foreign Organisation, an organisation that claims the people of every Member State as its Citizens when in fact, they are not, for they are Citizens of the Country they were born in and/or have applied on their own behalf to become citizens of the National Country they now reside in, they certainly had no “say” re Maastricht. I doubt anyone in this Country has willingly asked to become an EU Citizen.

This Government will try to make these fines payable by LAW for there is a section of the Bill on “fines” all neatly tied up if you or our MP’s accept this Bill. This ensures that we-the people- pay twice for the same fine, once by our taxes that pay for our MP’s to govern us and again by our taxes to the newly organised Mayors and their entourage. Fines that are imposed upon our Government by the EU, that our Government-the people YOU elected- now expect US/YOU to PAY THEIR FINE.

I have now put this snippet here for your but there are pages of fines in the Bill.

Financial Sanction Notices.

(1), A Minister of the Crown may give an EU financial sanction notice to a local or public authority in relation to an EU financial sanction imposed on the United Kingdom only if the Minister is satisfied that acts of the authority caused or contributed to the infraction of EU law for which that financial sanction was imposed.

(2) An EU Financial Sanction notice must-

(a) Specify the amount required to be paid by the Authority,

(b) Specify the EU financial sanction to which the notice relates,

(c) Specify any act of the authority which is regarded as having caused or contributed to the infraction of EU law for which that financial sanction was imposed;

(d) Set out the Ministers reasons-

(i)for requiring the authority to make a payment in respect of that financial sanction, and

(ii) for specifying the amount required to be maid.

That is only as very small section and there is even more to the above section (32) however, the page is here……….,

Looking at the fines imposed, presents me with yet another problem. The “fines” apply only to ENGLAND. Now to me, this is contrary to the law re Discrimination re Nationality, in exactly the same way as I believe the “high student fees for English and England” are also Discrimination on the Laws of Nationality. The UK Government ratify EU Treaties for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a whole, the EU fines are to the UK as a whole, yet the UK fines are only applicable to the Nation and Country of England. That to me (and perhaps a Court?) is that the English Nation is being discriminated against, for none of the Nations and Countries of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland are include in these proposals for fines. The “proposals” appear to apply to Wales, but not the fines. That stands out like a sore thumb, re discrimination of Nationality. Equality Act?

I now ask why are we paying our MP’s to govern this Country when they are so clearly NOT doing so in everything? That they are continuing to pay billions of pounds to an organisation that can “fine” them when they do not obey those orders correctly, when WE the people should be fining them for not actually doing the job we expect them to do? If they have ratified EU Treaties which they are not fulfilling as they should, we too should be either giving them a warning, sacking them or fining them too, for it is they that made the commitment against the known wishes of the vast majority of British people, for the people fought for their freedom to govern themselves in the last war.

We certainly should not be voting for them if they are not prepared to actually make all the laws according to our Constitution. If this is indeed a government that believes in “fairness” it will realise that there is nothing in this Localism Bill that is to the benefit of the British people or this Country at all. We cannot afford another layer of Governance in this Country. We cannot afford to remain in the EU. With British people who are dedicated, loyal and true in government, we could manage our own Country according to its laws as we have done over many hundreds of years and without paying billions to foreigners we could afford the defences to make sure that this is always remains so? We will never get out of the debt we are in at present as long as we are paying billions to the EU. No Country in the EU will get out of the debt they are in now until they too no longer have to pay Billions to the EU in contributions, plus all the millions extra.

I think perhaps I should mention that registered in the year 2000 in the ‘Statute of the Council of Europe’ on page 29 is this little Gem, “Statutory Resolution (2000)1 relating to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. (CLRAE) Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 15 March 2000 at the 702nd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies) All in keeping with what I am writing about today. All planned then. The UK’s Localism Bill that is going through our Parliament now, in 2011.

From the Council of Europe. Article 3 1. The CLRAE shall be composed of representatives holding a local or regional authority electoral mandate or a mandate as a person directly responsible to an elected local or regional body. Delegates shall be appointed according to the criteria and procedure established in the Charter, which will be adopted by the Committee of Ministers, each State ensuring in particular an equitable representation of its various types of local and regional authorities. End of quote.

The European Charter of Local Self Government dated 1985 writes of “a greater unity between its members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage;” “Common Heritage”? The EU already has most of our ‘Common Heritage’ through EU Treaties our Governments eagerly signed along with our jobs, our factories, our businesses, our fishing grounds, our land, our air, our seas, our ability to make our own laws, in fact everything we touch, what is there left? I see no point what-so-ever in paying billions of pounds to foreigners, to allow them to take more from time to time, or allow “hand-outs” we should be grateful for, but for now it really is take, take, take and the cupboard is bare.

I abhor the destruction of the NHS so that this Country can join the Euro in the next Parliament. (Lisbon-“The Currency of the Union shall be the Euro”. Example, “The ECB recommends jettisoning the NHS in favour of private health care, saying Britain’s aging population will send NHS costs soaring, and euro-zone rules would not allow Gordon Brown to borrow necessary funds to foot the bill”.

The High Speed Rail is part of the EU’s Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Policy, which will cost many, MANY billions, keeping future Generations deeper in debt, unless we go bankrupt. Most, or nearly all the Countries that are in the EU are suffering financial difficulties except perhaps Germany.

The Localism Bill introduces a Community Infrastructure Levy³, which came into force in April 2010. It allows local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in their area. The Charging authorities will mainly be district and metropolitan district councils.

To sign up to what is proposed in the Localism Bill, from what I have read, is agreeing to ‘be bound’ by what is written within those documents. I suggest that the

people cannot be so bound (and none can take that decision for them) and neither can they be so bound by the EU Treaties they have taken no part in. They have their own Constitution and their Allegiance is to the British Crown and always will be. To continue to contribute financially to the EU would indeed be a great betrayal to their Queen and Country. Governments over the years have had plenty of time to tell the people exactly what ratifying EU Treaties would mean to them and their Country. Yet the EU remains STILL the elephant in the room, at least, as far as this Country is concerned. Are they all cowards? Where are they going to hide when the vast majority of people find out? This must therefore bring into question the validity of any EU Treaty and this present document also. On the couple of politics shows on Sunday, there was interviews with MP’s regarding the High Speed Rail, yet not one mention was made proudly that it was part of the EU program for this Country and what the EU is wanting in place on British sovereign Soil.

Should the people have to have elected Mayors it is time that every would be MP, every would be County Councillor, Parish Councillors, Mayors etc be vetted by the people before they are sworn into Office. That they have never taken drugs, had too much to drink, swore in front of children, that they do not smoke, that they know our Constitution and know it well and are prepared to be governed and actually govern by it, the Common Law Constitution, the very foundation that all UK laws should be built upon. That they have never told a lie or gone along with obeying foreign laws which are contrary to our own Constitution etc and never, ever “taken advantage of” expenses all be it what they took might be ‘within the rules’. The list is endless but the Chambers might remain empty. Most certainly a full CRB check, which can take up to a good few months of waiting, as it did for some I know be shown.

If an outside organisation can FINE heavily, a sovereign National Government, that Government is no longer Sovereign. I ask, as I have in the past, are we, in paying our taxes that obviously are being used to pay a foreign Organisation to Govern this Country, that make the laws that our Government transposes into our legislation through the European Communities Act 1972, are we or could it be said or found, that we too are contributing to Treason? Acts that will eventually destroy the whole Constitution of this Country? Certainly there is no point in electing and paying for two full Houses in our Houses of Parliament, if they cannot actually instigate all our laws according to our Common Law Constitution.

Why on earth is the EU setting Air Pollution Targets for London? What an easy way to take money from a once Sovereign Country. Pluck a number out of the air and rake in millions of pounds. It was reported that London had already breached new

EU pollution limits for the entire year — weeks after they were introduced. How dare any temporary politician commit future generations to some-thing like this? I wonder how much the EU would have taken in money from LONDON when houses were heated through Coal Fires in the days of SMOG. Yes many died and the air is cleaner now and we progressed without the EU, but then we had all the smoke filled air from the bombs falling too. If the EU Fines the UK Government, that fine must come from the UK Government surely. The UK Government perhaps should make charges through British Courts regarding the Mayor of London, but according to our Constitution and if and until the Mayor is found Guilty. Anne Palmer. 24.2.2011.

¹ See this page 5 pages re calculations on Fines.

²Article 260 Functioning of the European Union

³A Community Infrastructure Levy.

UK Localism Bill.

Conservative Paper

“Returning Power to Local Communities” . Write in title.

Explanatory Notes

Territorial extent and application. Most of the provisions contained in the Bill extend to England and Wales only, with a small number of provisions extending to Scotland. These are shown in the table at Annex A. The Bill does not extend to Northern Ireland.

Explanatory notes for Localism Bill

European Charter of Local Self Government-organised by the EU on British sovereign territory/soil.