Abbas' double game: He tips Fatah to quietly endorse Itamar murders Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas received a stern ticking-off when he called Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Saturday night to condemn the savage murder Friday night by Palestinian terrorists of the parents and three small children of an Israeli family while they slept at their home at Itamar on the West Bank. The Prime Minister knew Abbas had quietly ordered heads of his Fatah organization to throw its support behind the atrocity – which was why Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was careful earlier to denounce "violence by any quarter" only in general terms. In his address to the nation Saturday night, Netanyahu accused Palestinian leaders of hypocritically mouthing peace slogans abroad while promoting anti-Israel incitation and propaganda on a daily basis in Palestinian schools and mosques. He warned that terrorists would not be allowed to determine the settlement map. The five members of the Israeli family stabbed to death at Itamar on the West Bank, Friday night, March 11, have been identified as Udi Vogel, 38, the father; his wife Ruth Vogel, 35, their sons Yoav, 11 and Elad, 3 and their four-month old daughter Hadas. The three children who survived are Roi, 8, Yishai, 2 and their sister Tamar, aged 12, who found the victims when she arrived home later that night. The murder of a mother, father and three of their children, aged, 11, three and a baby of a month, whose throats were slashed in their sleep at Itamar south of Nablus Friday night, March 11 was the first operation of a master plan drawn up at a secret radical Muslim Brotherhood summit in Khartoum last week attended by the Palestinian Hamas. Dismantled West Bank checkpoints and a low level of IDF vigilance made it easy for the perpetrators to commit their atrocity and escape.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 12, 2011, 10:35 PM (GMT+02:00)
DEBKAfile's sources report that the Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has been caught out playing a double game, which has yet to be fully clarified: Is he supporting an operation by the rival Islamist Hamas action so as to ride the Arab unrest galloping across the Middle East and boost his faltering prestige at home? Is he trying to stir up another Palestinian uprising (intifada)?
It would appear that Abu Mazen is opportunistically hoping to exploit the Palestinian street's sympathy for the Arab uprisings and divert its anger over the corruption deeply entrenched in his regime by letting Fatah terrorists off the leash for a fresh wave of attacks on Israel that could fit the slogan of the Third Palestinian Uprising. Hamas adherents might even rally behind his leadership.
Israeli security chiefs fear that even if Abbas does not mean to let the violence go to those lengths, Fatah activists may take his sympathy for the Itamar outrage as the green light for more attacks. In the last two weeks, Palestinian organizations and left-wing elements in Israel and aboard have been pushing for a Palestinian Day of Rage on Tuesday, March 15 and for two days on March 20-21 the following week, which coincide with the Jewish festival of Purim. Israel's army, intelligence and police have been placed on the highest level of preparedness for terrorist attacks, focusing on the West Bank, Jerusalem and mixed Jewish-Arab towns until after Purim. Security measures have also been clamped down on West Bank traffic in a major operation to net the killers. Itamar has been declared a closed military zone. Saturday night saw angry Jewish settlers blocking and stoning Palestinian vehicles.
DEBKAfile Special Report
Hamas Websites hailed the murder as a "heroic operation," without taking responsibility.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Mahmoud Abbas wants to ride Arab uprisings bandwagon
Five Israelis murdered by Palestinians at Itamar were Gaza evacuees
March 12, 2011, 9:53 AM (GMT+02:00)
Hamas ordered five Israelis murdered following secret Islamist Khartoum parley
March 12, 2011, 11:26 AM (GMT+02:00)
They arrived too late. The killers had flown.
Melanie Phillips
And still western 'liberals' support these people
The Palestinian terrorist slaughter overnight of an Israeli couple Rabbi Udi Fogel and his wife Ruth and three of their children, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hadas who were stabbed to death in their house in Itamar in Samaria -- three other children aged under 12 survived -- has received scant coverage in the British and western media.
True, the Japanese tsunami is driving out much other news. But there can be little doubt that the sluggish reaction is due in no small measure to the fact that the British media and intellectual class think – and sometimes even say – that the Israeli ‘settlers’ deserve what they get. Thus Israelis living on land to which they are legally entitled are dehumanised, and even their murders are shrugged off as of little account. Thus the moral cesspool into which Britain’s intellectual elite has sunk.
We don’t yet know who perpetrated this latest atrocity. What must be emphasised however is that, quite apart from the open calls to genocide of the Jews by Hamas, as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has said the ‘wild incitement’ by the Palestinian Authority against Israelis, perpetrated without remission through its educational materials, in its mosques and on PA-controlled TV, is directly to blame for creating the incendiary atmosphere of hysterical and fanatical hatred that gives rise to such savagery. Through these channels the PA indoctrinates its people into hatred of Jews and the glorification of mass murder of Israelis. As CAMERA has noted:
The brutal attack comes only days after a West Bank Palestinian youth center announced a soccer tournament named after Wafa Idris, the first female Palestinian suicide bomber, who killed an 81-year-old man and injured over 100 other Israelis... The killer undoubtedly internalized the message, reinforced time and time again, that it’s noble and heroic to kill Jews. The same goes for the person who planned the attack, and the one who transported the killer, and any other enablers.
In the light of this, the sickeningly ambiguous response by the Holocaust-denying PA ‘President’ Mahmoud Abbas was all too telling:
In a statement released by his office, Abbas ‘stressed his rejection and condemnation of all violence directed against civilians, regardless of who was behind it or the reason for it. Abbas added that ‘violence produces violence and what is needed is to speed up a just and comprehensive solution to the conflict.’ Earlier on Saturday, the Palestinian Authority said that there was no evidence of Palestinian involvement in the terror attack in Itamar.
Of course, a ‘just and comprehensive solution’ will only arrive when the Arabs stop promoting the genocidal murder of Israelis and the conquest of their country -- and when we no longer see as a result nauseating scenes such as in the picture above, where Gazan Arabs celebrated the murder of the Fogel family by handing out sweets.
But responsibility for the evil atmosphere which incites such pogroms does not rest solely with the Arabs of the PA or Hamas. It must also be laid at the door of those left-wing Israeli and western journalists and intellectuals who are obsessively egging on these Jew-hating exterminators. As the Mayor of Ariel, Ron Nachman, has said:
...Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad calling for a boycott of goods manufactured in the settlements as well as Israeli newspapers ‘separating settlers from Israelis living on the other side of the Green Line’ were responsible for inciting the terrorists to carry out the attack in Itamar.
The Arab incitement is simply not reported by the western media. As CAMERA also noted about the PA naming the square after Wafa Idris:
The glorification of this suicide bomber, though, was virtually ignored by Western media outlets, many of whom did find time to report, in great detail, on the first home game by the Palestinian national soccer team.
And of course, let’s not forget the EU which has funded the PA -- and therefore its genocidal incitement against Jews and Israelis -- to the tune of millions of euros. But the promotion of this Nazi-style Jew-hatred and incitement through indoctrination in permanent genocidal warfare by the direct heirs of the Nazis’ Arab front – the actual reason for the Middle East conflict -- is the one thing that is ignored by the Obama administration, the EU and the British government, all of whom blame Israel instead for preventing a solution to that conflict.
What price now those British and European ‘liberals’ as they weep their crocodile tears over Libya and beat their chests over democracy and human rights, while actively endorsing and promoting the Arab neo-Nazi demonisation and dehumanisation of Israelis -- which results in the slaughter of a family which they then proceed to downplay or ignore?
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