Sunday, 13 March 2011 10:07 'He says he stands for change ... oh my god, it hurts.' 'Mr Chimp, he says he stands for change.' 'Er, what's so funny ...?'
Sunday, 13 March 2011 11:42
You've got a good memory then.
This is a short clip from a radio show of one George Galloway, a former 'radical' British Member of Parliament, sarcastically reading out a text from a listener saying that the Japanese earthquake has been confirmed on the David Icke website to have been a beam weapon generated by HAARP technology.
Er, it hasn't.
The greater point here, however, is important and indicative of the collective belief system that Galloway represents. The Volvo and Mercedes 'socialists' like Galloway and others of the 'radical left' mindset (real or promoted) are just another wing of the system that has enslaved the world - a system they claim, and no doubt most of them believe, that they are rebelling against.
But they are not challengers of the 'game', as they love to think they are, they areplayers of it, essential underpinners of it, while thinking they are the 'good guys', 'fighting for justice'. The game is actually playing them like a stringed instrument while they hurl abuse and slogans at the orchestra.
If it wasn't so tragic for human freedom it would be hysterical.
The fact that Galloway, as with his 'Robot Radical' mindset in general, does not even begin to appreciate the potential of HAARP technology (most of them have never even heard of it) shows what an utter irrelevance he and they are to ending the enslavement and injustice endured by humanity for so long.
Ain't that right, George?
'Is this my best side?'
Sunday, 13 March 2011 11:23
Before I'll be a slave, I'll be buried in my grave.
Sunday, 13 March 2011 11:07
'The Swine Flu ‘pandemic’ turned out to be nothing more than a storm in a teacup generated by a flurry of conflicts of interest.
A majority of European Health Committee MEPs have nonetheless recently approved a report by Anne Delvaux (PPE) endorsing the existence of what was really an imaginary panic and calling for ‘more cooperation between member states’ to deal with future pandemics.'