Thursday, 10 March 2011

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

I came across this astonishing article by Benedict Brogan in the Telegraph newspaper today. As it had gone online yesterday I braced myself before checking out the expected tirade of hostile comments. Strangely, they weren’t predominantly hostile though the article was certainly ‘popular’ as it attracted over 1,400 comments. The article begins by alluding to David Cameron’s speech to the CST in which he promised support for the Jewish people and Israel. Noting Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent concerns about the UK (which were explored in another Telegraph article by Charles Moore), Brogan explores the whole delegitimisation process we are undergoing, spearheaded largely by the BBC.

“Together, the BBC and the internet act as an echo chamber for a coalition of religious and political campaign groups and academics of all stripes – some of them Jewish – pumping out a propaganda campaign of explicit and implicit hostility to Israel.”
Melanie Phillips has posted an article about this ‘rare event indeed in the British media’. So. Cameron has talked the talk, but most people agree it is unlikely that he will ever actually walk the walk.


In Fawlty Towers, it was one of Manuel's proudest declarations. "I know nothing, Mr Fawlty". That got laughs. But what about an interesting story that suggests Ed Miliband declared he "knew nothing" about what was going on in Tunisia just before he went on the Andrew Marr programme? And what a stroke of luck that Marr decided not to discuss the Tunisian situation! For full details visit Mark Wallace's post here. Is it possible that the BBC is protecting the rather odd Ed? Surely not?


A new day and a new open thread. BBC been annoying you? Detail your thoughts here!


Interesting interview with Liam Fox on Today at 7.49am. The item under discussion was no fly zones above Libya and the BBC were advancing their usual agenda. 1. The mighty UN must give permission otherwise any action would be illegal. (hint hint) 2. Even if there was to be a no fly zone, it must be for "humanitarian purposes" - heaven forbid that there would be military objectives. 3. There could be no attack on Libyan Air Defence capabilities since that would be..erm...war-like. The BBC is a primary advocate for supplication to the corrupt degenerate United Nations and in this situation it shows how the only form of action against the thug Ghadaffi is...inaction. But lots of pious words, of course.


When Gordon Brown raided and ruined private sector pensions, I don't seem to recall the comrades at the BBC getting too agitated, can you? But now today, when the Government seeks to bring a degree on equality to public sector pension provision, the horror of it all. Lord Hutton was on Today and Breakfast News and was, as expected given a hard time by the BBC. On Today, they trotted on trade unionist leader Dave Spart (or something like that!) to whinge and bleat about the sheer unfairness of it all for his underpaid oppressed masses. He was careful not to attack Hutton per se but rather heap all the blame and guilt on the Conservatives. At every point on every issue, the BBC acts as a conduit for class war driven by the Left against the Conservatives and worst of all, the Conservatives do not fight back. The BBC seem incredulous that public sector workers must be treated the same as private sector workers - to the rest of us it is incredible that they aren't already.


I increasingly believe that BBC journalists bust a gut each morning to find the best climate scare story and then plot how to write it in the scariest way they can. Good game! A latest effort is this Richard Black scarefest which tells us in familiar tones and structure that a new paper has established that the IPCC "landmark" report (note the reverence - I personally would call it the "botched science" report)of 2007 is wrong and that sea level rises as a result of ice loss from the poles is going to be a phenomenal 23 inches by 2100. Cue the usual images of Al Gore horror - we are all going to drown. Let's look instead at why this picture should be treated with extreme caution rather than being pumped out as gothic horror. First, sea levels are currently not rising. Bangladesh and the Maldives and Tuvalu are all still there despite the false, systematic panic. Second, this paper has not even been published yet and the BBC is champing at the bit to make it as sensational as possible. And third, when you read the abstract of the paper, the reality is that the writers themselves admit that their methods of prediction are subject to very significant error - but then go on to make firm everybody-panic predictions. This is exactly the problem with climate scientists that has been highlighted time and time again on the blogs doing the real work on climate change, such as What's Up With That? These climate change zealots conducting so-called research want to find horror stories and they do so. Richard Black and co then slavishly and reverentially amplify them. It should be the BBC's job to highlight and expose such uncertainty and charlatanism, but it actually does the reverse.


>> WEDNESDAY, MARCH 09, 2011

A Biased BBC contributor writes..... "A remarkable tale in which a lot is said but what actually happened is hidden. BBC radio news tells us that there have been riots between Muslims and Christians in Egypt...caused by Christians who blocked a road in protest about a church that had been burnt down. No indication of who had burnt the church down though. In the web report they report both Muslims and Christians were killed....though it was almost all Christians who died...(how unlike Gaza in which every death is labelled and blame apportioned) fact there have been no confirmed Muslim deaths. The BBC is quick to report that 'Egypt's Sunni authority has urged Muslims to help rebuild the church, calling its destruction un-Islamic.' and later 'The Grand Imam of al-Azhar issued a statement on Tuesday condemning the attack on the church in Atfih, Hilwan governorate, as "a distortion of Islam"....oh and later to reinforce the message 'Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyib called on Muslim residents of the town to help start rebuilding the church and to refrain from sectarian violence, Egypt's official news agency, Mena, reported' So we have established that the attacks were nothing to do with fact it was the Christians who were to blame for enflaming the situation.... 'The violence erupted when Coptic protesters blocked a highway in the Egyptian capital, protesting against the burning of the church in the province of Hilwan. The rally angered Muslims who wanted to pass through.' So we have a church burnt to the ground and a village attacked by several thousand Muslims, then up to 15,000 Muslims along with the Egyptian Army attack and fire upon the Coptic Christians killing and injury many....with possibly no Muslim casualties, and yet the BBC tries to paint a picture of Muslim tolerance and peace contrasted with Christian belligerence.


BBC breaking news. A BBC Arabic team was arrested in Libya, taken into captivity, and beaten badly by pro-Ghadaffi supporters. Jeremy Bowen has spoken to them. Accusations of torture and the rest. BBC reports the news and now makes itself the lead story on the news.


The only time the BBC gets behind Cameron is when Nanny State comes out to play and in this case seeks to remove tobacco products from visual display. When the Coalition continues the socialist engineering agenda of banning and price hiking then it is guaranteed a good press from the State Broadcaster.