More than that, he correctly identified the urgent need to repair the gaping hole at the heart of the British government’s currently confused and uncertain foreign policy. For despite the protestations of indestructible support for Israel expressed by David Cameron, the actual attitude of his government has become so inimical to Israel’s security and interests that relations between the two countries are at a low ebb and sliding further very fast. As this blog has repeatedly warned, at the point in history where not only has the west been under attack for years by the Islamic jihad but where turmoil within the Arab and Muslim world may well fatefully end up making these enemies of the west even stronger, the British government has chosen to bully and expose to further danger the one country which is not only its sole indisputable ally in the region but also the sole exemplar there of democracy and human rights, and the victim of six to nine decades of genocidal Islamic aggression. And yet the British government treats Israel as if it were a rogue state acting in defiance of law and human rights, the regional aggressor and the cause of regional instability and Muslim rage. As Brogan also correctly observed, the government is not acting in a vacuum. Britain – with a number of British Jews all-too prominent in this wicked process -- has become the west’s global laundry for the production and dissemination of anti-Israel libels, hatred, bigotry and incitement. But Brogan’s call for Cameron to translate his professed support for Israel into an intelligible policy has, alas, very little chance of being heeded. For it is not only that the government’s hostility to Israel is based on a fundamental and long-term geopolitical and strategic error of the first magnitude about where the interests of the United Kingdom actually lie. To reverse this would mean that Cameron also had to confront the profound moral sickness at the heart of British intellectual society, which fawns over the racist Holocaust-deniers and anti-Jewish ethnic cleansers of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas while libelling Israel as a nation of war-mongering, bloodthirsty child-killers whose right to their own country must be considered forfeit. To confront this evil that has all but consumed British public life would take spectacular moral courage for any British politician -- not to mention a deep understanding of the history of the region and of the Jewish people. And these are characteristics which so far David Cameron – whose talent for easy platitudes is undoubtedly unrivalled -- has not displayed. More than that, he correctly identified the urgent need to repair the gaping hole at the heart of the British government’s currently confused and uncertain foreign policy. For despite the protestations of indestructible support for Israel expressed by David Cameron, the actual attitude of his government has become so inimical to Israel’s security and interests that relations between the two countries are at a low ebb and sliding further very fast. As this blog has repeatedly warned,... Before the floods, proponents of the CAGW view had argued that there would never be enough rain again, because of Climate Change. When it became clear that there might be more than enough rain, the view was adapted: the floods, too, were the result of Climate Change. ...Until the rains came, the voice of Professor Tim Flannery had been loud in the land. More moderate professors, who said that there might indeed be some man-made global warming, but not a lot, were heard only occasionally. Professor Flannery was heard all the time, and always predicting that the major cities would run out of water. The nice thing The NPR duo were not only clearly more than happy to take money from the Muslim Brothers but also smilingly nodded along to some egregious Jew-hatred which the alleged brothers came out with, as well as giving vent to some unlovely prejudices of their own against Republicans, the Tea Party and ordinary Americans -- whose lack of education apparently was the reason why they are so lamentably hostile to the Muslim Brotherhood. As a graphic demonstration of the gross ignorance, moral imbecility... William Hague said that Britain had upgraded the status of Palestinian diplomats in the UK, in a largely symbolic move aimed at encouraging progress in peace talks with Israel. Huh? But wait... British officials said the only real change in the work of Palestinian diplomats will be that they will be given parking spaces by Westminster council, and find it easier to get British visas for their staff. ‘This really reflects our acknowledgement of Palestinian progress in achieving administrative goals in building institutions and in progress made in fulfilling the road map,’ a British official said. Do you think the Foreign and Commonwealth Office thinks the ‘road map’ is all about parking? In the wake of the farce over getting British nationals out of Libya, Foreign Secretary William Hague’s idiotic claim that Gadhafy was en route to Venezuela and Prime Minister David Cameron’s ringing declaration that he would impose a no-fly zone over Libya, only to retreat the following day when told this was not actually a runner, we have now seen the fiasco of the SAS/MI6 men in black helicoptering into Libya at dead of night armed with guns and explosives and multiple passports, thus being captured by the rebel forces they were ostensibly there to assist who not surprisingly took them to be...A strategic and moral error of the first
It is a measure of the truth of Ben Brogan’s very welcome piece in the Telegraph today that it was such a surprise to see it in a British ‘quality’ newspaper. For Brogan wrote in support of Israel and in protest at the prism of lies through which it is routinely portrayed in the UK. This is a rare event indeed in the British media.Thursday, 10th March 2011
A strategic and moral error of the first magnitude
It is a measure of the truth of Ben Brogan’s very welcome piece in the Telegraph today that it was such a surprise to see it in a British ‘quality’ newspaper. For Brogan wrote in support of Israel and in protest at the prism of lies through which it is routinely portrayed in the UK. This is a rare event indeed in the British media.Drowning in the facts
Great piece by Clive James in Standpoint on the way the Queensland floods have exposed the lunacy of Australia’s intelligentsia in their unshakeable belief in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. James writes:
...Wednesday, 9th March 2011
A lid is lifted at NPR
An eye-opening sting at America’s National Public Radio has lifted the manhole cover on that particular sewer. Two undercover reporters posed as representatives of a Muslim Brotherhood front group anxious to make a generous donation to NPR. Their conversation with two NPR executives, Ron Schiller and Betsy Liley, was covertly recorded and you can watch it here.Tuesday, 8th March 2011
Beyond satire (2)
In further evidence of the British government’s hold on reality in the Middle East, it has now upgraded the status of ‘Palestinian diplomats’ in the UK from a delegation to a diplomatic mission. The Guardian reports:Monday, 7th March 2011
Beyond satire
Dear oh dear, at this rate we’ll be looking back to the implosion of government under Gordon Brown as a golden age of political efficacy. The Cameron coalition appears to be plunging from one blunder to another.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
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Britannia Radio