Hillel Zaremba: Aaron Proctor, a Philadelphia-based libertarian writer, can count himself the latest victim of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization that ironically claims to work for civil rights. … Aaron Proctor has become yet another victim of the dangerous trend of CAIR stifling public discussion of Islamism. Who will be next? A popular singer and group in the 60’s was Jay and The Americans. He recorded a famous Yiddish song called “Where is the Village?” (Vi iz dus geseleh?) in 1966. Jay adapted it into a version to demonstrate his feelings about the Holocaust. After a long struggle with the record company, he convinced them to let him record it. While recording it he worked with Artie Butler to help him with the arrangement. Hope you enjoy this! The Chagall pictures are spectacular. by Bill Levinson A notarized copy of the following was mailed to the Federal Election Commission. To: Office of General Counsel 21 April 2011 Subject: Allegedly illegal fundraising by Obama for America, 2007-2008 The evidence covered by the sworn statement indicates to me (not legal advice, I am not an attorney) that Obama for America raised money through illegal methods in 2007 and 2008: (1)The “Dinner with Barack” promotions contained the three elements of a lottery (gambling on the Internet, which is illegal in most or all states and which may also violate U.S. Code provisions on “transmission of wagering information”): Deputy ICRC head in Strip notes Gazan supermarkets have food, slams Hamas rocket fire, but says Israel should let more materials in. The Gaza Strip is not suffering from a humanitarian crisis, the deputy head of the Red Cross in Gaza said this week. Mathilde Redmatn, who had been assigned to Congo and Colombia in the past, said that the “fabric of life” in the region was problematic. “There are two peoples, one living under closure and one living under daily rocket fire, which violates international law,” she said. Her comments were made available on Thursday by the IDF Spokesman’s Office. “Israel has the legitimate right to protect the civilian population; this right should... Secularist parties have a clear majority of support, but the Brotherhood might still have significant sway over the government. Egypt’s parliamentary elections are set to be held in September, giving the secularists only about four months to mobilize against the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists that have been organizing for decades in Islamic institutions. The Brotherhood’s ground game is unmatchable, but a new poll by the International Peace Institute provides some hope. It shows that is it the secular Wafd Party, not the Muslim Brotherhood, that has the most support in Egypt. According to the survey, the Wafd Party has a 46 percent approval rating, followed by the Brotherhood at 38 percent. Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party still has significant support with a 26 percent favorability rating. When respondents were asked whom they intend to vote for, 23 percent said they are backing the Wafd Party. The Brotherhood scored 12 percent,... By Ted Belman In ISI LEIBLER’s open letter to PM Netanyahu, he urges him to form and unity government with KADIMA. In any event he wants him to declare that he is willing “to delineate our minimum borders, which will incorporate the major settlement blocs. You would agree to negotiate other areas if and when the Palestinians get their act together. “In the meantime, subject to full acceptance of our security requirements, we would approve of the PA governing and maintaining order in the region under its jurisdiction.” I guess that means that Jerusalem is up for grabs, but maybe not. He argues It is thus imperative for you both to act as responsible leaders during a time of crisis and unite to foil a global effort to impose a solution on us. Failure to act now would represent a betrayal of the House of... Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Real Estate Quote for the Week “And You, Lord our God, have given us in love, festivals for rejoicing, holy days and seasons for joy” From the Passover liturgy and we have much to be joyful about. Read below. * Why is this week different from all other weeks? For a number of reasons actually; first, work is forgotten, well almost, and Israelis and the more than 300,000 visitors with us right now hit the trails en masse visiting the myriad natural beauty spots, at their most spectacular right now, that fill this tiny country: the Huleh wetlands, way station to millions of birds on their migratory path from Africa’s winter to a European summer. A fact; we treat our avian visitors so well that many of them go no further and enjoy Israel’s hospitality until October. The shnorrers! The Dead Sea, the stunning archaeological parks and the historical and religious sites that abound, close to the top of the list, Gangaroo which is the next... By MORDECHAI I. TWERSKY Dr. Uzi Landau, Israel’s Minister of National Infrastructure, warns that in the event of a unilateral United Nations declaration of a Palestinian state, he will call upon Israel to annex the Jordan Valley and large, Jewish populated blocs in the West Bank: “We’ll have to take care of our interests,” Landau told Inside Israel’s Mordechai I. Twersky in a wide-ranging interview April 21. “We’ll have to take protect ourselves. If such a thing happens, I’m going to suggest to my government to extend out sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and over the highly-populated blocs we have in Judea and Samaria, just to start with.” YNET reports According to the New York Times, the key principles on which the plan will be based are: A Palestinian state without the right of return, Jerusalem as the capital of both states, and an emphasis on Israel’s security needs. “We oppose any US peace plan which wants us to waive one of our most basic rights and that is the right of return for refugees,” Fatah Central Committee Member Nabil Shaath said. By Ted Belman I recently on one of my posts asked a Jewish liberal why he hated Palin and had said “She isn’t fit to be a dog catcher.” Aside from spouting some ill informed prejudice he had this to say,CAIR’s Strong-Arm Tactics in the Cradle of Liberty
“Where is the Village?” (Vi iz dus geseleh?)
Jay Black (Real nameDavid Blatt) was from an Orthodox Jewish background. His most famous song was Cara Mia. They had many top hits. His voice had an operatic/cantorial quality.
He added Chagall’s paintings to provide sentimental visions of the Jewish villages in vivid colors.FEC Complaint Filed re: Obama’s Allegedly Illegal “Dinner with Barack” Lotteries
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20463.
•Mandatory payment of consideration, in this case a donation of $5 or more to the campaign. Only after complaints from Minnesota law enforcement did Obama for America change the promotion to allow entry without making a donation. SeeRed Cross: There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza
Talkbacks (14)
“There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. If you go to the supermarket, there are products. There are restaurants and a nice beach. The problem is mainly in maintenance of infrastructure and in access to goods, concrete for example,” Redmatn said.New Poll Brings Bad News for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
by Ryan Mauro, PAJAMAS MEDIAIf you want to annex, annex.
And you, Mr. Prime Minister, need the support of Kadima to enable you to proceed with the program desired by the vast majority of the nation.Good News Israel
Landau: Israel should annex W. Bank if PA get statehood
The former chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee invoked the Bush Road Map and a letter of commitment issued by the former president committing to Israel’s retention of major Jewish population centers in the West Bank in any negotiated settlement with the...PA still clinging to “right of return”
Projection, Class Warfare, the Left, and Governor Palin
Liberals believe they are compassionate and the conservatives, heartless. Neither aspect of this is correct.
I really dislike her brand of social conservatism. You may think that American Jews are in love with abortions. I don’t think so. I think that I am pro choice because I don’t believe the government should be involved in this most personal decision. It should be a family matter and should the family choose to do so, to include their clergy. Also, I think her fiscal conservatism is all wrong. I don’t necessarily want to pay more taxes,but I am willing to do so to have the kind of country that takes some basic level of care of its people. I’m not for a welfare state, but where I live in Chicago, there are way too many homeless people and that is...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio