Saturday, 23 April 2011

Weekly Roundup From
The Financial Brain Trust

Bob Wiedemer: The 'Recovery' Is 100 Percent Fake
The cheerleaders like to tell you that the economy has rebounded. We had government stimulus earlier, but now animal spirits have taken over and it is running on its own. Hah! The recovery is ONLY stimulus . . . .get the full story, click here.

Ashish Advani: Global Tide Turns Stronger Against US Dollar
I have been talking to you about inflation in the U.S. and how it will eat us alive. A direct factor leading to this is the gradual but definite devaluation of the U.S. dollar we are witnessing. What hasn’t been very clear in the media around the United States is the direct and dangerous steps being taken by various countries to undermine the dollar . . . get the full story, click here.

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Sean Hyman: US Feels Tightening as China Pulls on the Reins
As China’s GDP slows down and spills over onto other economies, it could give the dollar a temporary boost as stocks fall, commodities trim back, and riskier currencies fall as a result. Once the sell-off in stocks is over, the dollar will continue its long-term slide into the abyss . . . get the full story, click here.

David Skarica: S&P Warning on US Debt Is Only the Beginning
It is funny how the market sometimes needs a news event to turn itself around. This week, we saw the Standard & Poor's rating agency downgrade its outlook for U.S. debt. S&P held the country’s AAA rating but usually when it downgrades an outlook, a true credit-rating downgrade is coming . . . get the full story, click here.

Rick Pendergraft: Fear Gauge Plunge May Foreshadow Big Correction
From the March 16 bottom through last Friday, the S&P 500 enjoyed a minor rally that saw the index gain just shy of 5 percent. The last six weeks have followed a pattern of two weeks down, two weeks up and two weeks down . . . get the full story, click here.

Bill Spetrino: ‘Mr. Market’ Offers Wise Words on Investing
Who’s "Mr. Market?" He’s an imaginary business partner the great value investor Ben Graham uses to tell his story. Never heard of Graham? Maybe you have heard of his most famous pupil and the only person to earn more than $200 billion for himself and his investors: Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha and the greatest investor of all time . . . get the full story, click here.