Sunday, 24 April 2011

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing

power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


A parish church where the Easter Alleluias are only echoes of the past

Perhaps for the first time in a thousand years, the village church will be empty on Easter Sunday, writesChristopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

The AV referendum scandal that calls for a 'No'

The scandal over the funding of the 'Yes' campaign in the AV referendum reveals the effrontery of our political class, says Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

New figures show the lights may go out sooner than we thought

Our coal-fired power stations are closer to extinction than predicted, and wind power stubbornly refuses to fill the gap, says Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

The judge has forbidden anyone to tell me what he wanted me to hear

The secrecy of the family courts system has reached a bizarre new extreme, says Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

US still fails to keep its word as further massacre looms at Ashraf

Pressure is mounting for the US to honour guarantees of safety given to Iranian refugees in Camp Ashraf, writes Christopher Booker.

16 Apr 2011

A mother is threatened with imprisonment for talking to her MP

The high-handed powers of our so-called family protection system threaten even the privileges of Parliament, writes Christopher Booker.

16 Apr 2011

Cameron can't cut the EU red tape that will cost Calor millions

New EU rules will cause Calor to spend millions replacing brand-new tankers, to achieve less efficiency and more pollution, writes Christopher Booker.

16 Apr 2011

What happens when the great fantasies, like wind power or European Union, collide with reality?

There's a pattern in the unravelling of make-believe projects, whether it's wind power or the euro, says Christopher Booker.

09 Apr 2011

Cuts? What cuts? Spending is rising

Government spending will actually increase over the next few years, despite the BBC's claims, says Christopher Booker.

02 Apr 2011

The family justice system is callous, corrupt and staggeringly expensive

David Norgrove's interim review of the family justice system only scratches the surface of what has become a national scandal, says Christopher Booker.

02 Apr 2011

The Budget’s green dreams will leave us powerless

The Government's obsession with its babyish green dreamworld will force the closure of power stations, increase our electricity bills and damage vital industries, warns Christopher Booker

02 Apr 2011

John Bercow fails to back rights of voters banned from talking to their MPs

Court orders have been used to stop people protesting to their MPs about social workers, but the Speaker of the Commons seems unconcerned, saysChristopher Booker.

26 Mar 2011

All the talk of 'cuts' hides a real rise in Government spending

The fine print of George Osborne's 2011 Budget hid an increase in state spending even greater than forecast last year, says Christopher Booker.

26 Mar 2011

Bob Ward boobs again over rainfall records

The Grantham Institute's attack dog, Bob Ward, came back for another bite, but missed again, says Christopher Booker.

19 Mar 2011

Could 'Chernobyl’ scaremongers cost our nuclear future?

There is no parallel between Fukushima and Chernobyl at all, saysChristopher Booker.

19 Mar 2011

Another 'horrible’ case for you, Mr Loughton

The scandal of seizures by social workers of children from responsible parents is bigger than the Children's Minister has stated, says Christopher Booker.

19 Mar 2011

For every new 'green' job, nearly four are lost

The collapse of Modec, the electric van manufacturer, shows how David Cameron's green economy is withering, says Christopher Booker.

12 Mar 2011

Liam Fox has broken his promise in the case of Pex

The Defence Secretary, Liam Fox, was very keen, in opposition, on the care of our military veterans. You wouldn't know it by his treatment of the Fijian war hero Pex, says Christopher Booker.

12 Mar 2011

The Supreme Court has given the asbestos scam a great big hand

A rulling by Lord Phillips, president of the Supreme Court, could open the floodgates for an asbestos bonanza, says Christopher Booker.

12 Mar 2011

Parents denied a voice in court against the child-snatchers

Lord Justice Thorpe was 'aghast' at the way children had been removed from their parents by a county court. But such outrages are an everyday procedure, says Christopher Booker.

05 Mar 2011

The Ministry of Defence deserts war hero Pex in his hour of need

A Fijian soldier who survived a bomb attack that killed three of his comrades is threatened with deportation, says Christopher Booker.

05 Mar 2011

Transport Secretary Philip Hammond reveals his ignorance of wind power

Philip Hammond's claim that onshore wind power 'pays its way' is completely off-beam, says Christopher Booker.

05 Mar 2011

Unscientific hype about the flooding risks from climate change will cost us all dear

The warmists have sound financial grounds for hyping the dangers of flooding posed by climate change, writes Christopher Booker

26 Feb 2011

Why must we continue to appease Iran's tyrants?

The West’s appeasement of one of the world’s most vicious regimes and the betrayal of Camp Ashraf remain mysteries of our time, writes Christopher Booker.

19 Feb 2011

Britain's system of rubbish collection is a marvel of waste and mess

Why do our bureaucrats misuse an EU directive to create an unholy mess with our rubbish, asks Christopher Booker.

19 Feb 2011