TELEGRAPH BLOG LATEST He has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrats, showered praise on Bill and Hillary Clinton and suggested that Ronald Reagan was a con man with little “beneath that smile”. A divorcĂ© whose current wife, number three, is a Slovenian former model and jewelry designer, he once favoured Canadian-style single payer healthcare and abortion rights. These… Read more If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to go back in time, check out this hilarious party political broadcast from the Welsh Communist Party. It starts with quotes from Aneurin Bevan about the Suez Crisis, intoned over copies of the Daily Worker. Then a bloke in the sort of trade union rep outfit last seen… Read more When I first heard what Cameron said about only one black student being accepted at Oxford last year, I was annoyed. I rang a black Tory-leaning friend of mine and asked, “Is even our Conservative Prime Minister more liberal than we are?” He too was furious. While it is true that only one black Caribbean… Read more There’s a charming article in today’s Times by Alex Renton, a non-believer who sends his six-year-old daughter Lulu to a Scottish church primary school. Her teachers asked her to write the following letter: “To God, How did you get invented?” The Rentons were taken aback: “We had no idea that a state primary affiliated with… Read more Mr Justice Eady has surpassed himself. In granting a restraining order contra mundum to an actor who allegedly paid a prostitute, the gagging judge has dealt a heavy blow against human rights. David Cameron’s expressions of unease about this ruling are wholly justified. The latest and most blatant concession to those who can afford to buy… Read more Everyone knows that fireworks are dangerous to pets. Every year, at appropriate times, such as Guy Fawkes night, we’re reminded to keep pets indoors. Yet this time of year – Easter – is a far riskier time for dogs for a simple reason: chocolate. The Veterinary Poisons Information Service recently published figures showed that chocolate… Read more Blogging, says my mate James Delingpole, is “addictive, expensive, energy-sapping and injurious to health”. The poor chap has been told by his doctor to take things easy, and is enjoying a rest cure by the sea. Not many bloggers have had their health broken by their pursuit; but I suspect that every single one will… Read more Today, more than 20,000 Good Friday services will be held across the United Kingdom; a similar number will be held on Easter Sunday. Britain may be an increasingly secular place, but it’s not yet completely godless. More people go to church every week than go to football matches – and think what a religion football… Read more The Bishop of Oxford has come up with a delightful gift for the Anglican community this Easter. In his capacity as chairman of the Church of England’s Board of Education, he has declared that he wants to see an end to faith-based admissions in church schools. In the latest edition of the Times Educational Supplement, the… Read more You know things are really going badly for the White House when even The New York Times, the most powerful bastion of liberalism in America, is warning the president he is in serious trouble. Today’s New York Times/CBS News poll makes devastating reading for Barack Obama’s advisers, showing the nation’s mood at its lowest level… Read more By nature, inclination and history, Labour is the most powerfully anti-European of all our big political parties. Labour was viscerally opposed to membership of the Common Market, as the European Union was known for most of the post-war period. The majority of its MPs voted against British entry in 1972, and under Michael Foot’s leadership,… Read more It’s no bad thing to be an amateur: we all have things we like to do, however badly. But there comes a point when amateurs delight their audience too much. And there are areas of life that they’re better off avoiding in the first place. If I go to hospital, I’d rather have my bypass done… Read more I once stumbled upon an Orange March in Trafalgar Square, of all places, which happened to be taking place on the same day as an England World Cup match. There, in the blazing heat, the Orangemen marched while being cheered on by about 2,000 drunk England fans dressed in Burberry, drinking cans of Stella and… Read more One of our letter writers this morning asked: “What is the etiquette for suggesting that the Archbishop of Canterbury has a decent haircut and beard trim before the wedding?” A good point, well made. The popular image of the American creationist is a Republican Neanderthal with an IQ in single figures and passages from Genesis tattooed on his right arm. He spends summertime at the Creation Museum in Kentucky, where he can read all about how Jesus walked with the dinosaurs. If given enough White Lightning, he’ll tell you… Read more By the end of Holy Week, nearly 1,000 former Anglicans will be members of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, an entirely new structure within the Roman Catholic Church. For an indication of what a big deal this is, look at the picture above. Mgr Keith Newton is wearing a mitre and holding… Read more It’s a great relief that our Prime Minister has done the honourable thing and accepted that it would be frightfully rude not to wear a morning suit to the royal wedding. I wonder, though, if his wife – who is infinitely cooler than her husband – is planning her own rebellious break with tradition by… Read more My colleague Cristina Odone writes today about the crisis in adoption rates. She is right, I think, to say there is a need for an overhaul of the system, and that it is too difficult at the moment for prospective parents to adopt. It’s easy to decry “red tape” and “bureaucracy”, and of course if… Read more Apple’s lawsuit against Samsung over the similarities in design between the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy range has an injured tone. ‘Instead of pursuing independent product development, Samsung has chosen to slavishly copy Apple’s innovative technology, distinctive user interfaces, and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design, in violation of Apple’s valuable intellectual… Read more The campaign against the EU budget hike is spreading across our local authorities. Since I last blogged on the subject, Bromley, Central Bedfordshire, Dover, Hull, Mid Devon, Rother, Rushmoor, Three Rivers and Torbay have formally asked their local MPs to oppose any rise in Britain’s contributions. Harrow and Maidstone have tabled similar motions for their…Read more ‘Enough’ is one of those words which depends entirely on context not so much for meaning as for mood. It is either a glass half empty or half full depending on one’s perspective. It can be a cry of anguish as pain threatens to engulf us, or an exclamation of resolve as we decide on… Read more The deaths of two award-winning photographers, killed by a rocket-propelled grenade apparently fired by Gaddafi loyalists, yet again brings home the risks journalists have to take to produce accurate reporting from a war zone. Compared with the hundreds of Libyans who have perished in the conflict, the number of journalists killed is (so far) relatively small… Read moreAmerican Way: Donald Trump’s joke candidacy signals danger for Barack Obama
Capitalism trembles as the Welsh Communist Party hoists the red flag
David Cameron’s outrage over the few black students at Oxford shows how much the Tory party has changed
A six-year-old girl writes a letter to God. And the Archbishop of Canterbury answers
Blame the gagging judges, not the Human Rights Act
An Easter warning: dark chocolate can kill your little dog
Going cold turkey: full service will resume next week
The real A-list star of the Royal Wedding – Westminster Abbey
Bishop of Oxford comes up with new motto for church schools: ‘Abandon faith, all ye who enter here’
Hope and change? A national gloom descends over Obama’s America
It’s taken decades, but Labour has seen the light on Europe
You might love the opera, but it doesn’t make you a director
Why does England not have sectarianism like Scotland and Northern Ireland? It’s the demography, stupid
Archbishop Rowan Williams piles the pressure on William and Kate
When liberal creationists walked the earth: this Easter, spare a thought for Left-wing evangelicals
The Ordinariate faithful have arrived in the Catholic Church. What difference will they make?
Is Samantha Cameron too cool to wear a hat to the royal wedding?
Is there a link between NHS-funded IVF and the adoption crisis? A response to Cristina Odone
Everyone copies, Apple included. It’s how you do it that matters
More local councils join the campaign to cut the EU budget
Enough at Easter
Where was Nato to protect the dead photographers?
Sunday, 24 April 2011
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Britannia Radio